University Archives
The Grand Valley State University Archives is the repository for official and supplemental historical records created by the University's administration, academic departments, faculty, students, and campus organizations. It exists to help meet the University's legal responsibility to preserve and make its records available in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and to assist the University community's effort to document its actions and decisions. The University Archives collects paper and digital records, photographs and negatives, audio, video, and digital media that document and support the university's mission to contribute to the enrichment of society through excellent teaching, active scholarship, and public service.
Search University Archives
University Archives materials can be found in our physical collections in Seidman House as well as online. Keep in mind that some digital collections, like our University Photographs, are selections from the physical collection and should not be considered comprehensive.
For more help searching archival materials, use our research guide.
Other Digitized Collections
History of Grand Valley State, 1958-2010
Read about the first 50 years of Grand Valley State history.
Managing University Records
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