What is a Hybrid Course?
Hybrid courses include two parts. One, is in-class time called face-to-face (f2f) and the second part is time spent on-line. They are not self-paced, independent work.
- The Math Hybrid courses are MTH110 - Algebra, MTH122 - College Algebra, and MTH 123 - Trigonometry.
- Each course meets some of the time in a traditional classroom (f2f), while the remaining time is spent working and communicating on-line.
Should I take a hybrid course?
There are some things to figure out about personal learning styles and self-discipline that can be helpful offered here .
Some people think its great, but it's not for everyone. Some hybrid students have offered their thoughts.
Where can I get more information?
Contact Lynne Mannard, a hybrid math instructor, if you have additional questions.