Institutional Representatives

Institutional Representatives are the backbone of the Michigan ACE Women’s Network, providing information about the network to member campuses. Contact information, examples of campus projects and the duties of an IR are detailed on this page.

IR Contact Directory

Program Highlights

Member campuses report on activities that support the network’s mission in 2 documents:

  • How you enlisted the support of others at your institution by assessing needs and facilitating institutional professional development programming.
  • The process used to collaborate or establish with other campus programs/activities focusing on women.

Contact us if you would like to see prior year reports, [email protected].

Role of Institutional Representative

As an affiliate of the American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network, the Michigan ACE (MI-ACE) Women’s Network is committed to identifying, developing, encouraging, advancing, linking, and supporting women in higher education. Each member public, private, 2-year, and 4-year college or university in the state appoints one or two Institutional Representative(s) (IRs) who are responsible for these basic duties:

Serve as the institution’s official representative to the MI-ACE Women’s Network.  At minimum:

  • Participate in one IR event,
  • Attend the Annual State Conference, and
  • Submit the IR Annual Report.

Additional duties include:

  • Enlist the support of other women at your institution by assessing needs and facilitating institutional professional development programming that represents the mission of the MI-ACE Women’s Network.
  • Establish and/or collaborate with other campus programs/activities focusing on women.
  • Educate women at your institution about the Network’s mission and major initiatives (e.g. Annual Conference, Young Women Strong Leaders, Women of Color Collaborative, public policy agenda).
  • Facilitate communication with women throughout your institution by disseminating information provided by MI-ACE regarding opportunities for professional development, job shadowing, and professional advancement; grant/research funding; call for papers/proposals from MI-ACE, its members institutions or national ACE.
  • Encourage attendance by women at your institution at the Annual Statewide Conference, Young Women Strong Leaders Conferences, Women of Color Collaborative and other programs sponsored by the MI-ACE Women’s Network.
  • Keep your institution’s president (or administrator designated by the president) informed of the Michigan ACE Women’s Network strategic goals and activities. You are important in the feedback loop to the president.

Overall, responsibilities of the Institutional Representative may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Join one of the Michigan ACE Women’s Network Executive Board Committees, and
  • Serve as a mentor to aspiring women leaders.

Page last modified September 18, 2024