Mentoring Mondays

Permanent link for Mentoring Mondays 2.28.2022 on February 28, 2022

“Attitude is the Difference Maker” 


We share with you this week the following excerpt entitled “Attitude is the Difference Maker” from John C. Maxwell’s book “The Choice is Yours.”

What’s all the fuss about attitude? Does it really make a difference? You bet it does! Never underestimate the power of a positive attitude. When facing an opponent of equal ability, the right attitude can give you the edge. Who enjoys everything more, sees more opportunities, and lives life with greater enthusiasm? The individual with the best attitude. As you examine your attitude and decide what to make it, remember these truths:

No matter what, your attitude is a choice. Circumstances may not be of your choosing, but your attitude is all yours. 

It’s easier to maintain the right attitude than to regain it. Fight to develop a positive attitude, and then don’t let it slip.

Your attitude determines your actions. Your outlook will determine your life’s outcomes more than any other single factor.

The people you lead reflect the attitude you possess. If you have any responsibility for others, as a boss, parent, or volunteer leader, the attitude of your people is a reflection of your own.

Tolstoy tells us that “happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them.”  Your attitude makes the difference.


Sources:  a) Quote from Leo Tolstoy; b) Excerpt from John C. Maxwell’s book entitled “The Choice is Yours: Today’s Decisions for the Rest of Your Life.”


Posted on Permanent link for Mentoring Mondays 2.28.2022 on February 28, 2022.

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Page last modified February 28, 2022