Mentoring Mondays

Permanent link for Mentoring Mondays - October 18, 2021 on October 18, 2021

What Is Your Leadership Battle Cry?

~ Frances Hesselbein

A couple of weeks ago, we asked if your leadership mission statement was simple enough to fit on a T-shirt. This week we are asking “What Is Your Leadership Battle Cry?”

The following three leadership “battle cries” are from Frances Hesselbein, the former Executive Director of the Girl Scouts of America and now Chairman of the Leader to Leader Institute (formerly The Peter Drucker Foundation). They are short and impactful:

  1.  Her blood type, which she proudly tells us ~ Be Positive!
  2.  Her vision, which she enthusiastically shares with all of us ~ Bright Future!
  3.  Her mission, which she exemplifies to us every day ~ To Serve Is to Live!

This week’s message is intentionally brief. Our hope is that these short “battle cries” will have an impact upon your career – not just leave an impression.

Take time this week to find your “battle cry.”


Source: Article from The Marshall Goldsmith Newsletter

September 9,  2021

Marshall Goldsmith and Frances Hesselbein

Posted on Permanent link for Mentoring Mondays - October 18, 2021 on October 18, 2021.

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Page last modified October 18, 2021