Scholarships & Awards

In addition to a generous array of GVSU academic scholarships and awards based on financial need, the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance annually awards nearly $200,000 in talent scholarships to students who show exceptional talent. Department scholarships are awarded on the basis of achievement and potential performance (by audition).

Scholarships Available for First-Year Students

Each year the GVSU Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance awards numerous performance-based scholarships to incoming music majors and minors. Awards amounts generally range from $1000 to $4000 and are renewable up to a total of four years. Both entering first-year students and entering transfer students are eligible. The awards are based on achievement evaluated during auditions.

These scholarships may be combined with other music awards, such as ensemble participation awards, as well as with university academic scholarships. New scholarship recipients will usually be notified by April 1. To have their scholarship renewed, recipients must maintain the highest possible level of musical performance, participate in the requisite major ensemble(s), and sustain a grade point average of at least 3.0.

Shakespeare Scholarships are available to Theatre majors only. Must have full-time student status, be in good academic standing, and must participate in the Fall Shakespeare Festival and one other production during the academic year. Available to incoming freshmen and transfer students majoring in Theatre but you must complete an audition/interview.

Incoming first-year students and transfer students must arrange for an audition/interview in the spring by contacting Bridgett Vanderhoof at (616) 331-3678 or at [email protected]. It is recommended that you bring a resume or portfolio of your past experience for the audition/interview.

Each year the GVSU Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance awards a few performance-based scholarships to incoming dance majors. Award amounts generally range from $1000 to $4000 and are renewable up to a total of four years. Both entering first-year students and entering transfer students are eligible. The awards are based on achievement evaluated during auditions. Students with this award must participate in Dance Company and two movement classes each semester.

These scholarships may be combined with other awards, such as with university academic scholarships. New scholarship recipients will usually be notified by April 1. To have their scholarship renewed, recipients must maintain the highest possible level of dance performance, participate in the requisite major ensemble(s), and sustain a grade point average of at least 3.0.

Rebecca Vogelsang Scholarship

The Rebecca Vogelsang Scholarship is awarded to one entering Freshman Dance Major at Grand Valley State University. The Ada Arts Council sponsors the Rebecca Vogelsang Scholarship in honor of Rebecca Vogelsang. One of the passions Rebecca shared with her friends, family, and community, was her love for dance. In remembrance of Rebecca, this scholarship supports the continued education in dance for one student per year. Rebecca, a dancer herself, understood the imperative nature of keeping dance active in your career as a student.

See Dance Scholarships below for more information.

Music Scholarships

Each year the GVSU Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance awards numerous performance-based scholarships to incoming music majors and minors. Awards amounts generally range from $1000 to $4000 and are renewable up to a total of four years. Both entering first-year students and entering transfer students are eligible. The awards are based on achievement evaluated during auditions.

These scholarships may be combined with other music awards, such as ensemble participation awards, as well as with university academic scholarships. New scholarship recipients will usually be notified by April 1. To have their scholarship renewed, recipients must maintain the highest possible level of musical performance, participate in the requisite major ensemble(s), and sustain a grade point average of at least 3.0.

Awards of $1,000 minimum are given to outstanding first-year pianists in either the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Music degree program. A letter of recommendation from the private teacher is required.

Students awards are granted for vocal excellence by audition and are renewable up to a total of four years. A letter of recommendation from the current voice teacher is required and an overall G.P.A. of 3.0 is required for renewal.

These awards are granted for participation in Concert Band or Symphonic Wind Ensemble. Awards are based on performance quality and ensemble need. Majors and non-majors are considered.

These awards are given to outstanding musicians with special consideration given to pianists and singers. Awards are based on performance quality and ensemble need. Majors and non-majors are considered.

This scholarship is awarded to one (or more) full-time Bachelor of Music Education major with a 3.0 or higher GPA who has completed the Mid-Program Review and all core music courses prior to the semester in which the application is submitted. The recipient will be chosen on the basis of academic achievement, professional promise as a future educator, and financial need. NOTE: Students must have a current FAFSA, which demonstrates financial need, on file with the Financial Aid Office.  

To apply send the following to Dr. Beth Gibbs no later than Friday, March 29, 2024 at 5:00 PM:

  • A copy of your current transcript 
  • Two letters of recommendation from the music faculty 
  • An essay outlining educational/pre-professional goals for the coming school year 

These awards are given to music majors (performers on a standard vocal, band, or orchestra instrument) to be used during the junior or senior year (NOTE: Junior is defined as 55 or more credits). Requires a letter of recommendation by the student's private instructor, a short essay on achievements and future goals in music, and an audition before the music department scholarship committee which will be held in early April. Applicants MUST provide their own pianist/collaborator. 

Deadline is Friday, March 29, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Application for Upper Division, Hills, and Houseman MacAdam

These scholarships recognize achievement at the university and encourage continuing excellence in performance. Applicants must be full-time music majors and have completed, or are in the process of completing, at least 30 credit hours. Winners are selected based on an audition for the Scholarship Committee, which is held in early April, as well as financial need. Applicants MUST provide their own pianist/collaborator. 

Deadline is Friday, March 29, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Application for Upper Division, Hills, and Houseman MacAdam

This scholarship is available to music students having at least 55 credit hours. The candidate must be a degree-seeking voice student or in the Bachelor of Arts in Dance program. Candidates must demonstrate their focus on and concentration in musical theater performance. They must carry a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or greater (4.0 system) and must be making satisfactory academic progress according to the norms established by the University and Department of Music, Theatre and Dance. To be eligible for this award, transfer students must be accepted by Grand Valley State University and the Department of Music, Theatre and Dance.

This scholarship is available to undergraduate students having earned 55 credit hours or above.  Candidates must be accepted as degree-seeking students in Bachelor of Music Vocal Performance, Bachelor of Music Education, or Bachelor of Arts in Music major curricula.  Candidates must demonstrate their focus on and concentration in vocal performance in an audition.  Candidates must carry a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or greater (4.0 system) and shall be making satisfactory academic progress according to the norms established by the University and the Department of Music, Theatre and Dance.  Demonstration of financial need is not required.  Transfer candidates must be accepted by Grand Valley State University, the Department of Music, Theatre and Dance for enrollment, and recipients must be attending the University to be eligible to receive this scholarship.

Deadline is Friday, March 29, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Application for Upper Division, Hills, and Houseman MacAdam

The award’s purpose is to provide support for enrichment and professional development experiences for voice students.  Use of these funds may include support for travel, fees, tuition, and related expenses, including travel to major metropolitan music centers domestically and internationally for outstanding GVSU student vocalists to: participate in Master Classes; coach with noted vocal coaches or conductors; sing auditions for graduate schools; sing auditions for and attend school-break and summer programs; participate in the annual Collegiate Showcase for casting and talent agents in New York City and similar activities; and participate in other programs approved by voice faculty that enhance the students' professional development.

The award is open to students who have been accepted for or are currently enrolled at GVSU.  They must be in good standing as a sophomore, junior, or senior.  Students who receive this award should have exceptional talent, professional intentions, and demonstrated commitment to their vocal career development, as determined by GVSU voice faculty.

One or more awards will be made annually provided there are candidates who meet the qualification criteria. The number and amount of awards will be determined by the number of qualifying students, cost of programs, and distributable amounts available from the Fund.

Those interested in this award should contact Professor Dale Schriemer.

Linn Maxwell Keller Professional Vocalist Experience Award Application

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance and encouragement to students pursuing careers in musical theatre who demonstrate excellence in acting and singing skills.

To qualify students must:
*be accepted for or currently enrolled at Grand Valley State University (GVSU)
*be an undergraduate junior or senior enrolled for 12 credit hours or more majoring in Theatre, Vocal Performance, or a major related to Music Theatre
*have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA
*be meeting satisfactory academic progress (

Financial need may be considered but is not required, and shall be demonstrated by the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

This scholarship may be renewed without reapplication provided the student continues to meet the qualifications above. This scholarship may be awarded to an individual for a maximum of 4 semesters.

This fund is used to recognize and reward students who are pursuing a bachelor's degree in music education who demonstrate exceptional leadership, character, and potential. Preference will be given to students utilizing GVSU's disability services.

Deadline to apply is March 24, 2023.

Theatre Scholarships

Shakespeare Scholarships are available to Theatre majors only. Must have full-time student status, be in good academic standing, and must participate in the Fall Shakespeare Festival and one other production during the academic year. Available to incoming first-year and transfer students majoring in Theatre but you must complete an audition/interview.

Incoming first-year students and transfer students must arrange for an audition/interview in the spring by contacting Bridgett Vanderhoof at (616) 331-3678 or at [email protected]. It is recommended that you bring a resume or portfolio of your past experience for the audition/interview.

Shakespeare Production Service Awards are available to all Theatre majors and non-majors. Please fill out an application through MyScholarships by March 1, 2019 at 3pm to be eligible. 

Shakespeare Festival Service Awards are available to any Grand Valley student—there is no restriction for theatre majors or minors. Service Awards require roughly 60 hours of service working in a particular area or on specific Shakespeare Festival events. All but one of the awards pays $625 for the work completed and provides students with hands on experience in the area covered by the service award. One award is a two semester award that pays a total of $750 for the two semesters.

There may be some variation by year, but generally service awards are in the following areas. Students who apply should indicate the award or awards for which they wish to be considered and any experience that would make them a good selection for the awards.

  • Scene Shop Assistant —Working a schedule of 60 hours in the Theatre Scene Shop. Students awarded a Scene Shop Assistant Service Award may be asked to arrive to campus a week before the semester starts to begin their service award hours. (2 awarded)
  • Costume Shop Assistant —Working a schedule of 60 hours in the Theatre Costume Shop. The ability to sew is a necessary skill for this service award. (1 awarded)
  • Wardrobe Assistant —Supervising wardrobe needs for the Festival Mainstage production. (1 awarded)
  • Master Electrician —Working with the Festival Lighting Designer to help hang and focus lights and set cues. (1 awarded)
  • Production Properties Supervisor —Supervising properties for the Festival Mainstage production, including purchasing, building, and pulling props. Award winner needs a valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle and needs to be able to attend production meetings. (1 awarded)
  • Theatre Properties Supervisor —Supervising properties storage for fall and winter semester. The awardee will work with each production’s props supervisor to check out and return props to storage. (1 awarded for $750)
  • Schools and Catering Coordinator —Works with Festival Managing Director to coordinate catering needs for Festival functions. Awardee also works with Festival Managing Director, box office supervisor, and Festival School’s Liaison to coordinate the Festival Mainstage matinee performance ushering and lunch needs. (1 awarded)
  • Festival Production Assistant —Works with the Festival Managing Director to assist with Festival promotional and social media needs. (1 awarded)
  • Festival Greenshow Director/Concessions coordinator —Directs the Festival’s Greenshow Renaissance Dressed performance and supervises that cast’s work selling concessions for the Mainstage production.

The purpose of this scholarship is to assist and encourage talented Theatre students at GVSU. 

  • Recipients of this scholarship shall have been accepted for or currently enrolled at GVSU.
  • Must be undergraduate residents of Michigan who have completed 30 credit hours and have a declared major in Theatre
  • Must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or greater (on a 4.0 scale)
  • Be enrolled in either full-or-part-time status

Renewal Criteria: Scholarship may be renewed without reapplication provided the recipients continues to meet the qualifications stated above.

Application Process: To apply for this scholarship please complete the Theatre Arts Scholarship Application in myScholarships.

The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance and encouragement to students pursuing careers in musical theatre who demonstrate excellence in acting and singing skills.

To qualify students must:
*be accepted for or currently enrolled at Grand Valley State University (GVSU)
*be an undergraduate junior or senior enrolled for 12 credit hours or more majoring in Theatre, Vocal Performance, or a major related to Music Theatre
*have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA
*be meeting satisfactory academic progress (

Financial need may be considered but is not required, and shall be demonstrated by the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

This scholarship may be renewed without reapplication provided the student continues to meet the qualifications above. This scholarship may be awarded to an individual for a maximum of 4 semesters.

Dance Scholarships

Each year the GVSU Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance awards a few performance-based scholarships to incoming dance majors. Award amounts generally range from $1000 to $4000 and are renewable up to a total of four years. Both entering first-year students and entering transfer students are eligible. The awards are based on achievement evaluated during auditions. Students with this award must participate in Dance Company and two movement classes each semester.

These scholarships may be combined with other awards, such as with university academic scholarships. New scholarship recipients will usually be notified by April 1. To have their scholarship renewed, recipients must maintain the highest possible level of dance performance, participate in the requisite major ensemble(s), and sustain a grade point average of at least 3.0.


The Rebecca Vogelsang Scholarship is awarded to one entering First-Year Dance Major at Grand Valley State University. The Ada Arts Council sponsors the Rebecca Vogelsang Scholarship in honor of Rebecca Vogelsang. One of the passions Rebecca shared with her friends, family, and community, was her love for dance. In remembrance of Rebecca, this scholarship supports the continued education in dance for one student per year. Rebecca, a dancer herself, understood the imperative nature of keeping dance active in your career as a student.


  1. Be a prospective first year entering as a freshman at Grand Valley State University.
  2. Be a resident of the State of Michigan
  3. Candidates must be accepted by Grand Valley State University for enrollment and recipients must be of full-time status seeking a degree in Dance, or one of the many visual arts program offered through the Visual and Media Arts Department.
  4. Although not a requirement, preference shall be given to candidates who are residents of Ada Township, Cascade Township, Grand Rapids Township or Vergennes Township.
  5. Demonstration of financial need is not required, although should the top candidates have equal academic qualifications, financial need may be considered the deciding factor. Candidates who wish financial need to be considered must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Scholarship Funding

This scholarship will be funded annually. The first award for academic year 2008-2009, which shall be divided evenly as specified herein will be $1,000.00. In subsequent years award amounts may vary. If, in the future, an endowed fund at GVSU is established, beginning one year after the endowment reaches the required threshold for activation; a portion of the endowment will be used for awards each subsequent year if qualified candidates apply. The award portion will be distributed as determined by the endowment spending policy established by the University. Remaining income or growth of the fund will be reinvested in the principal to hedge against inflation and to meet future scholarship needs.

Scholarship Specifications

  1. Scholarships will be awarded annually provided there are candidates that meet the criteria. A minimum of two scholarships will be awarded annually for one student in each of the two academic areas: 1) Dance, and 2) Visual and Media Arts.
  2. Award amounts and numbers will be determined by annual gifts received or, should this scholarship become endowed, the University's endowment spend-rate in effect from year to year.
  3. Scholarship awards are not renewable.

Application Procedure

Candidates for this scholarship must complete an application available from the Grand Valley State University Dance Department, or Visual and Media Arts Departments. Included as part of the application, the candidates must demonstrate their experience and participation in the arts. For example, Visual and Media Arts candidates would present a portfolio of work, outline art camps, classes, exhibitions or awards. Candidates for Dance scholarship would list their experience in performance, classes, and any awards. For either Visual and Media Arts or Dance Scholarships, participation in events that are open to public audiences shall be considered. All of these activities demonstrate passion and background for the candidate's chosen area of study.


The recipients will be chosen by the Dance Department, and the Visual and Media Arts Department in collaboration with the Financial Aid Office of Grand Valley State University.


Recipients will be recognized at the annual Scholarship Celebration Dinner. Initiating donors will be honored at the annual scholarship recognition events.


  1. Upon accepting the award, each recipient is encouraged to acknowledge his/her appreciation of the scholarship by communicating with president of the Ada Arts Council, their designate or appointed contact person for the scholarship.
  2. In accepting the award, each recipient, acknowledging the generosity of the donor, is encouraged to make contributions to this scholarship if he/she is financially able after graduation. This commitment will remain in effect during the lifetime of the recipient(s).

Carrie Brueck Morris - Associate Professor of Dance, [email protected]

The Upper Division Dance Scholarship is an award of at least $1,000 with the intention of helping the student pay for tuition in the year of their capstone project. Applicants must be full-time dance majors. The recipient(s) will be chosen on the basis of academic achievement, professional promise in dance, and growth as an artist at GVSU. NOTE: Candidates who wish financial need to be considered must have the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file with the Financial Aid Office.

To apply:

  • Email your Intent to Apply to Professor Morris by March 1st.
  • Submit the following to Prof. Morris by the April 1st:
    • A current transcript  
    • A short essay on your achievements and future goals in dance.
    • One of the following:
      • A scholarly paper in dance (1000-3000 words)
      • Performance of a solo (2-4 minutes)
      • Performance of original choreography (2-4 minutes)


  • Students who obtain this award must participate in Dance Company and two dance technique classes each semester.

All Programs Scholarships & Opportunities

The Alexander Calder Honors Scholarship is an award of at least $1,000 with the intention of helping the student pay for tuition in their final year at GVSU. Competition for the scholarship is open to students majoring in any discipline in the fine arts who have completed 54-96 credits. Students for this award will be nominated by faculty members from the Department of Music, Theatre and Dance. Two students will be selected from each of the three programs and go forward as our department's candidates.

The application packet should consist of the following materials:

1. A personal statement from the candidate explaining what their art means and what they hope the audience will gain from that art. This personal statement should be 1-3 pages in length and in Word or PDF format.

2. A current Grand Valley transcript (will be printed from Banner by Calder Scholarship Committee Chair).

3. At least three letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a faculty member in the program nominating the candidate.

4. Supplemental materials (optional) may include, but are not limited to: concert programs, playbills, gallery notices, reviews, and video or audio recordings of performances. (Note: these materials will not be returned).

Note: The actual interview/audition for the Calder Honors Scholarship Committee will take place in April.


Purpose of the fund:  To create a "margin of excellence" in GVSU performing arts programs by supporting enrichment activities for current students studying or participating in any of the performing arts, which currently include dance, instrumental music, athletic bands, opera theatre, vocal music, or theatre. Uses of the funds may include, but are not limited to, providing students opportunities to explore and develop their talents through competitions, talent showcases, local, national, and international summer programs, coaching, master classes, and other experiences that are separate from GVSU programs. Funds may be used for travel, program fees, and other expenses related to enrichment activities. 

Deadline                     Activity Date Range
September 1               October 1-February 1
December 1                  February 1-June 1
April 1                            June 1-October 1


Thomas J. and Marcia J. Haas Endowment Application

Note: All students entering GVSU with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, and a minimum ACT composite score of 23, receive an automatic $1,000 scholarship. They must have a complete application submitted to GVSU prior to December 31 to qualify. Further opportunities are open to honors students. For a comprehensive university-wide listing of scholarships and grants available to students, please go to

Opportunities for employment through the Department of Music, Theatre and Dance include student aides, ensemble librarians, and more. Check with ensemble directors for further information relative to these employment opportunities.

Most of these and additional employment opportunities are available through the Federal Work-Study Program, and the opportunities are generous to those who qualify (qualification is based upon financial need, determined by the FAFSA). The Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance engages a number of students under this program, but assignment is made from the Student Employment Office in the Student Services Building. The department can provide information about opportunities under this program. Phone: (616) 331-3484.

Transfer Students & Scholarship

Please Note: Transfer Students who wish to be considered for scholarship must fill out the Prospective Transfer Student Release Form for Possible Scholarship Consideration. 

Incoming Student Audition Contact:

Bridgett Vanderhoof
(616) 331-3678
[email protected]

Academic and Need-Based Scholarship Contact:

Grand Valley's Office of Financial Aid
(616) 331-3234

Page last modified February 5, 2025