This FAQ is provided for informational purposes only and does not supersede current policy documents. For important policy and procedural questions, please verify the answer provided by checking the original source.

Yes. Per communications with the CLAS Dean's office, if a faculty member covers a colleague's class(es) for a full week or more, they can receive compensation at the overload pay rate of $1000 per credit hour, pro-rated by the number of weeks the classes are covered.

According to the Student Summer Scholars web site and the Modified Student Summer Scholars web site, "all tenured, tenure-track, visiting, and affiliate GVSU faculty are eligible to sponsor S3 students. Faculty will commit an appropriate portion of their time to effectively and actively mentor a student; they will be expected to have a limited teaching load for Spring/Summer semester."

Yes. Section of the Board of Trustees Policies (BOT) states: 

Faculty shall receive full salary when on leave one academic semester and fifty percent of base salary when on leave two academic semesters (or up to three academic semesters for faculty on a 12-month appointment). Applicants for sabbatical leave must specify other salaries, grants, fellowships, or financial support they expect to receive (or do receive) during the period of the leave. The combined incomes from such sources and the sabbatical grant shall not exceed the faculty member's normal salary plus expenses incurred because of the sabbatical leave. The recipient is expected to return to a regular appointment with Grand Valley for at least one academic year (or twelve months in the case of faculty on twelve month appointments) after the sabbatical period.

According to Section of the Board of Trustees Policies (formerly the Administrative Manual), all unit tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible to vote on sabbaticals.

You are encouraged to submit your sabbatical report as soon as possible, but not later than the end of the first semester after your sabbatical. See the Guidelines for Writing a Successful Sabbatical Report for more information.

  • Cases of academic dishonesty are handled through the Office of Student Conflict and Conflict Resolution (OSSCR ).
  • You must follow the procedures in the Statement STU 6.1 and begin by notifying and meeting with the student to discuss the incident (either in person/virtual or via email). 
  • If you find there is an act of academic misconduct and desire any form of corrective action (i.e., redo work in question, give no credit for work, fail the assignment, fail the course) you must file a report to OSCCR (link) with sufficient evidence to substantiate your findings and a recommendation.
  • If you submit or plan to submit an academic misconduct report, please let the unit head know via email. Since unit heads are no longer automatically notified when reports are filed, this keeps the UH in the loop. 
  • Refer to this flowchart for a visual representation of the new process, including filing a report, administrative conferences, hearings and appeals. 
  • Wait until you hear the findings from OSCCR before implementing any corrective action.

    º File an academic misconduct report here:  https://www.gvsu.edu/osccr/file-a-report-22.htm

    º Who do I turn to if I have questions? 

  • If you’re uncertain whether or not academic misconduct has occurred, please consult with a colleague for a second opinion. 
  • If you have specific questions about the policy, feel free to reach out to the unit head or director of OSCCR

    º Where do I find additional resources related to Academic Misconduct?
  • The OSCCR website 
  • Definitions/descriptions of student academic misconduct  (STU 5.1
  • Access the Student Code (The Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities) on the university policy website or in PDF format.
  • Process for Academic Misconduct: Flowchart and text of process (STU 6.1)
  • The OSCCR website has an entire faculty resources section that includes all the relevant information related to the process in one place, tips for course design to discourage academic misconduct, syllabus language suggestions, and more…

Yes. Section 3.50 of the Student Code states:

No person shall jeopardize the system of voluntary compliance underlying University regulation of student conduct by willful refusal to agree to legitimate and reasonable instructions of appropriate University Officials to cease specified conduct, which conduct threatens to substantially and materially disrupt or interfere with:

  1. The rights of others
  2. University discipline
  3. Normal University functions
  4. Order in the University community

A late withdrawal is a procedure for a student to receive a grade of W after the official drop deadline. 

The GVSU catalog states that "students who do not withdraw before the deadline must accept a grade other than W depending on the instructor's judgment of their performance in the course(s) and any mitigating circumstances.  Students who request an exception of the withdrawal deadline due to extenuating circumstances must present their explanation of appeal attached to a Registration and Drop-Add Form signed by their professor and department chair along with at least one statement of support from the professor or department chair to the director of the Student Academic Success Center."

More information is available at the Registrar's web site.

Per the Records Office, after the 100% tuition refund deadline (at the end of the first week of the semester), the dropped course receives a W but does not decrease the total number of credits taken by the student. The new section counts as additional credits, meaning, for example, that a student who is registered for 15 credits and changes sections of a 3-credit course would need to pay for a 3-credit overload. If the student was taking 13 credits, the switch would cause their total to increase to 16, resulting in a 1-credit overload. There is also a $25 late fee for any registration after the first week of class.

According to the GVSU Catalog, repeating a course more than once is allowed only with the approval of the student’s academic advisor. In cases when the course is not in the student’s academic advisor’s unit, approval to repeat the course must be approved by the appropriate unit head of the department where the course is offered.

Double majors must have 60 unduplicated credits—that is, a total of 60 credits without counting any course twice.  A degree cognate is required for only one major.

For multiple minors, each minor must contain 20 credits that are not duplicated in the other.

To receive credit for any minor, it must contain 20 credits that are not duplicated in the major.

The GVSU Catalog states the following:

Filing of a grievance is required by the end of the following regular semester after notification of grade or receipt of adverse decision. Appeals of decisions must take place 30 days after receipt of notification.

The resolution of academic grievances is based on two principles: first, that the resolution of a grievance should be sought at the lowest possible level, and second, that pathways for appeal exist for both faculty members and students. Resolution should be pursued as follows:

  1. An appeal to the instructor
  2. Appeal to the unit head, who may request that the appeal be put in writing.  The unit head's decision will be communicated in writing to both the student and faculty member.
  3. Written appeal to the dean.  If there is merit, the dean will establish a review committee to make a recommendation within 60 days.  The dean will then rule on the grievance and notify the student and faculty member in writing.
  4. Written appeal to the provost, whose judgment in the case will be final. Both the student and the faculty member will be notified in writing of the provost’s decision.

In cases where the faculty member in question also serves as the unit head, the dean shall appoint a suitable faculty member from the college to function as unit head for purposes of grievance. In a similar fashion, if the faculty member in question also serves as dean, the provost shall appoint a faculty member to act as the unit head for purposes of grievance. If an appeal is sought in this latter case, it will go directly to the provost.

Page last modified May 7, 2021