Standing Workstations

Benefits of Standing Workstations

Lower your blood pressure, increase calorie burn and improve mental health.
A stand up (or standing) desk is a desk conceived for writing, reading, or working - while standing up. 

Decrease in the risk of developing heart disease, blood clots in the brain, and certain types of cancer.

  • Standing up for an extra 90 minutes significantly lowers your chances of developing diabetes. (A link has been found between sitting down and levels of sugary glucose and fatty acids in the bloodstream)
  • By standing for an extra three hours a day without exercising would burn off 8 pounds of fat a year.
  • You can relieve stress on the spine and have a reduced risk of spinal shrinkage by standing at your desk.
  • Alternating positions relieves strain and relaxes the neck, shoulders, and back.

There is no University policy about what the desk has to look like or function like. There are various styles available including podiums for the top of your desk or full size work station options

"I would benefit from a standing desk in my office or work space. What do I do?" If you would like a standing desk in your work space please work with your supervisor and department to determine what will work best.  If you have a disability with medical documentation please contact Disability Support Resources

Purchasing Options

Each department head or supervisor has the opportunity to budget for standing workstations for his or her department. When planning for the fiscal year, department heads and supervisors may want to consider how standing workstations may benefit their staff and office environment and allocate funds accordingly. 

Sit Stand Workstation Discounts

ERGOTRON WorkFit Units

Ergotron WorkFit Units Catalog - GVSU Discount

Pearl Moore, Account Executive
Phone: (989) 797-4075; (800) 607-1446
Address: 3023 Davenport Ave., Saginaw, MI 48602

*Contact Pearl Moore directly to receive a quote.
**An invoice is sent when items ship. GVSU is set up with Ergotron as tax exempt and does not pay shipping fees. DCP Solutions takes PCards, however, there is a surcharge for credit card orders.



Brian Holk, National Sales Manager
Phone: (972) 441-5984

*Contact the Varidesk processing department directly for any quote requests or order/PO processing at in order to receive tax exemption. Make sure to reference the GVSU account.
**To make this purchase on your PCard, please contact to request a temporarily lift on your card.

Anti-Fatigue Mat Program

If purchasing a standing desk, it is important to consider also purchasing an anti-fatigue mat to ensure proper support for standing. 

Brian King, Grainger Sales Representative
Phone: (616) 250-4301
Inside sales contact: (616) 241-6781

Suggested Process for Offering Standing Workstations in Your Department

  1. Create a sign up list for faculty and staff who are interested in the standing work station.
  2. Order 3 at a time.
  3. The top three people on the list receive the desks when they arrive and  try it out for a couple of weeks.
  4. If faculty and staff decide they want to keep the product they keep it. If it does not work for them, they let the office coordinator or contact person in the department know and the next person on the list receives the product.   

Page last modified July 17, 2023