2024 Black Excellence Orientation 2.0 - Student Registration

The Black Excellence Orientation is one of the Affinity Orientations specifically designed to introduce new students to GVSU's campus and to connect you to resources and services that will support your academic, cultural, and emotional well-being. The orientations allow students to connect with other students, faculty, and staff early. This program is intentionally designed to create culturally responsive and educational spaces for our diverse communities. Programming is open to students regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, or other protected identity.

Due to the Black Excellence Orientation (August 19-21) reaching capacity this year, we will host a supplemental version, Black Excellence Orientation 2.0, during the afternoon/evening of August 30, 2024.

* denotes a required field

2024 Affinity Orientation Student Registration

Gender Identity (Please select all that apply):

Affinity Orientation you wish to attend *

Human Verification *

Page last modified August 5, 2024