Common Questions that the Student Ombuds receives:

Academic Dishonesty Concerns

"I received an email from my professor stating that they believed that I cheated on my final exam. They are giving me a 0 on the exam and I will fail the class. I did not cheat and am wondering what will happen next. Will I be able to tell my side of the story?"

Grade Dispute

"I attended every class session, turned in every assignment, and participated on a regular basis. I received all of my assignments back from my professor, which had me receiving a B in the class but I looked online at my grade and it stated that I was receiving a C- in the class. When I asked my professor about the discrepancy, I was told that my last paper had a D as the grade. I told them that it was not accurate and had the paper to prove it. I was told that the grade on the paper was a mistake and that I actually had received a D. I don't think that it is fair and my professor is saying that there is nothing I can do to change the grade."

Financial Concerns

"My parents used to be able to contribute to my education but now my dad has lost his job and they can no longer help. What can I do?" 

Student Employment

"My supervisor and I do not get along and I am afraid that I will lose my job. What can I do to make the situation better?" 

How this office can help:

A thorough explanation of the Academic Grievance Procedure helps students to understand what they can do to dispute a questionable grade. "I felt so much better after understanding what I can do and the steps that I needed to follow in order to appeal my grade."

"I felt better after speaking to the Student Ombuds about my questions. They really listened to my concerns."

"I didn't know what to do about my roommate concerns and I was told to connect with the Student Ombuds. They gave me some information on Conflict Resolution that helped me with my conversation with my roommate." 

Make recommendations to the University in regards to policy and/or procedure changes based on student feedback.

Page last modified February 13, 2023