Frequently Asked Questions

Student FAQs

What is "the Anchor?"
The Anchor is short for the policy known as GVSU's "Student Code: The Anchor of Student Rights and Responsibilities." We call it "The Anchor" because, in sailing, an anchor is used to hold a ship steady.  The Anchor is so named because it exists to hold and protect the interests of the University community and to challenge and support community members when their behavior fails to meet these standards. 

I’m no longer on campus, does the Anchor still apply to me?
Yes. The Anchor applies to all undergraduate and graduate students and University-Affiliated Organizations at GVSU.

How will my administrative conference be conducted?
All administrative conferences will be conducted virtually using Zoom unless otherwise noted. You will receive information to join the meeting/hearing online or by phone in your meeting notification letter.

Do I need internet access to attend a virtual meeting?
No. Students have the option to attend all meetings online or by phone.

Are my rights and responsibilities the same as they would have been during an in-person meeting?
Yes. Please visit Section 4.0 of the Anchor for more information.

Can I request a workshop or presentation to be facilitated for my office, club, or organization?
Yes. All workshops and presentations will be facilitated virtually. Please complete the Workshop/Presentation Request form and an OSCCR staff member will be in contact with you regarding your request shortly.

I'm having trouble viewing a letter I received from the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) what should I do?
For help logging in to view your secured messages from OSCCR, please click here.

I received a Violation Notification/Meeting Request letter, what does this mean?
If an alleged violation is included in the letter you received, it means that your name was included in a report and you are in alleged violation of the Anchor. You should contact the office of the sender promptly and work to schedule a meeting to discuss the situation and your options. If a meeting was scheduled for you, you are strongly encouraged to attend in order to better understand the situation and your rights as a student.

Should I request a student conduct hearing?
If you believe that you are not responsible for violating the Anchor, you may choose to deny responsibility and request a formal student conduct hearing.  It is solely your decision to request a student conduct hearing. 
If you believe that you are responsible for the violation, you do not need to request a student conduct hearing and can admit responsibility during your administrative conference with your assigned Conflict Resolution Facilitator.
If you deny responsibility for the violation, a formal student conduct hearing will be scheduled. The hearing is your opportunity to explain and demonstrate why you are not in violation or policy. You may choose to bring information supporting your claim (evidence, witnesses, etc.), however, please refer to GVSU's Student Code: The Anchor of Student Rights and Responsibilities Hearing Procedures for complete information about hearing requirements.

Do I need an attorney or other representation at my student conduct hearing?
For the hearing, a student is entitled to be accompanied by one adviser. That advisor may be any individual of the student’s choice. The student may choose to have an attorney as their advisor but it shall be at their expense, and OSCCR must be notified of such an advisor at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Regardless of the advisor, they shall have no role at the hearing other than to advise the student. The advisor shall not be permitted to speak on the student's behalf or to ask/answer questions.

I have a hold on my student account from the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, what should I do?
You need to call OSCCR at (616) 331-3585 as soon as possible in order to determine the reason for the hold and how it can be lifted.

Who has access to my Student Conduct record?
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the university is restricted to discussing the case only with you, those you designate that we can communicate with, and those with an educational need to know.
If you would like someone other than yourself to have access to this information you will need to fill out a FERPA Release Form and turn it in to OSCCR via email at
Some applications (for employment and/or educational institutions) include a checkbox that gives that entity and your previous educational institutions permission to share information about your student conduct record; this does not violate FERPA.
For more information about that process, click here.

What behavior is expected of GVSU students and their guests?
Students are expected to obey federal, state, and local laws as well as the rules and regulations of the university. The Anchor establishes expectations for student behavior within the university community, and all students are expected to read and understand the Anchor upon their arrival as a student at GVSU. All alleged violations of the code that occurs anywhere in Ottawa County or any place the university conducts operations may result in a student conduct referral to OSCCR. The University also reserves the right to review a student's off-campus conduct.

Does GVSU have an alcohol and drug use policy?
Yes. Only students who are of legal drinking age may have alcoholic beverages in their living center rooms (south campus apartments/living centers only). They may not have more than one open container per 21 year old present in the room. They cannot violate any federal, local, state, or University ordinances or laws. Most new students will not be of legal age to consume alcohol.  No one is permitted to consume or possess alcohol in open containers in lounges, recreation rooms, hallways, outdoors, or in other public areas.  
Consistent with federal law and the Drug Free Schools Act, GVSU prohibits the illegal use of any controlled substance.
GVSU does not allow students to possess, carry, use, or otherwise consume marijuana under any circumstance, regardless of medicinal status or the recreational cannabis laws of the state of Michigan. 

If a student is assigned restorative measures under the Student Code, will that action appear on their permanent academic transcript?
No. A student's academic transcripts are a separate entity from their Student Conduct record, and while both a student's academic transcripts and Student Conduct record can be released to other educational institutions, The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits these two files to be shared with outside entities without a student's explicit consent.

What if I am facing criminal charges?
The criminal justice system and Grand Valley State University's Student Conduct Process are separate entities. OSCCR and the Student Conduct Process focus strictly on student code violations under the Anchor. If a student has been referred to our office for violating the student code due to actions that have lead to criminal charges, the code violation will need to be resolved through the Student Conduct Process regardless of the legal outcome. 

My charges have been dropped by the police, will they be dropped by GVSU?
No. The student conduct process and the Anchor are different from court proceedings and criminal charges.  You will need to go through the student conduct process regardless of other agencies. 

The incident I am being referred for happened off campus. Why is Grand Valley involved?
The Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution keeps the best interest of the university and its students in mind regardless of the location an incident occurs. If the situation impacts the university or involves a student of the University, OSCCR may become involved. 

What restorative measures will I receive?
Each violation is treated individually and therefore will have different restorative measures. The restorative measures (previously referred to as sanctions) outlined in Section 8.0 of the Anchor are based on the severity of the violation and what the responding student, the complainant, and the Conflict Resolution Facilitator deem appropriate. 

What if I do not agree with the decision of my hearing?
If you do not agree with the decision you have been given regarding your hearing you have the right as a student to appeal (see section 6.3 of the Anchor).

Family FAQs

Will I be notified if my student is given a referral for violating the Anchor?
No. If the student is over the age of 18, the student and their records are protected by The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Our office is limited in what we can share with parents/guardians regarding your student and their records.
However, the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) may notify parents/guardians when a student is charged with a violation of the Statement and is under 18 years old.

How can I have access to my student's conduct record?
Your student will need to fill out the FERPA Release Form and return it to OSCCR. either in person or via email at

What is my role in the conduct process? How can I help my student?
If your student is charged with a violation of the Anchor, they will receive written notification from OSCCR regarding their responsibilities and options, dates and times of scheduled meetings, and contact information for the Conflict Resolution Facilitator assigned to their case if they have any questions.
You can help guide your student through the process and be supportive, while also holding them accountable to your expectations and the University’s. This may also be an opportunity to identify and provide necessary interventions, such as alcohol or drug evaluations, anger management, and others, so that your student can be successful at Grand Valley.  

Can I attend a student conduct hearing with my student?
The student is allowed to bring one adviser of their choice to the conduct hearing. The adviser is not able to speak on behalf of the student but can consult with the student in a non-disruptive manner during the hearing.

Page last modified October 28, 2022