Program Overview

Students at resource fair

First-Year Experience

The Oliver Wilson Scholars (OWS) Program identifies, recruits and develops students with amazing potential that is translated into success.  The OWS Program achieves this through direct access to resources and comprehensive and specialized services that ensure a smooth transition to higher education.  The program is housed in the Office of Student Support and Belonging and is delivered through university-wide coordinated care. The overall goal is to strengthen academic achievement while providing holistic student development that leads to a greater sense of belonging.

OWS Philosophy

The Oliver Wilson Scholars program is based on a “coordinated care” approach that seeks to close any potential gaps for students.  Through this program, students receive the benefit of highly coordinated faculty and staff support that is tracked through Navigate.  Navigate is a comprehensive technology tool that allows student communication, connections and interventions to be noted, monitored and enhanced so as not to duplicate efforts and to enhance outcomes.

The program specifically responds to the literature on student success by explicitly demonstrating our belief in students, utilizing anti-deficit approaches (seeing students as arriving with tremendous gifts and talents), utilizing appreciative advising and trauma-informed practices and considering their whole person.

OWS First Year Experience

In your first year, you will engage in...

  • Academic Skill Builder 1:  Student Success Coaching
    Students are required to meet with an assigned Success Coach who is knowledgeable in holistic academic advising and student development. 
  • Academic Skill Builder 2:  EDH 181- Navigating College Success
    Students are co-enrolled into select general education courses- included a required course, EDH 181- Navigating College Success
  • Academic Skills Builder 3:  Academic Achievement Skills Sessions
    Students attend a variety of academic achievement skills sessions to assist them in achieving their academic goals.  These sessions are dynamic and engaging learning spaces where students focus on topics related to time management, understanding and utilizing a course syllabus, test-taking, etc.
  • Academic Skill Builder 4:  Weekly Gathering with Supplemental Instruction
    Opportunity to connect with each other and the leads of the program. This will be a place for supplemental learning to enhance the learning that is already happening in the classroom and to continue intentional skill building.

Personal Development

In your first year, you will gain...


Students will have a chance to develop relationships with their peers, alumni, faculty and staff during celebrations, social events and other university opportunities. 

Student Employment:

Our program works closely with on-campus employers to secure jobs for our students. We provide professional development and support by helping with resumes, cover letters, and interviewing skills. This can also include helping students to obtain business and professional attire.

Extra Support:

Our program has connections with many different offices throughout campus to make sure that we can effectively serve our students and respond to their needs.

Page last modified August 29, 2024