PCE News


Manufacturing Institute Selects Engineering Alumna as 2017 STEP Ahead Honoree

March 1, 2017

The Manufacturing Institute announced that GVSU Engineering Alumna, Nicki Bonczyk, will be awarded the Women in Manufacturing STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Production) Ahead Award.

Using Sunlight to Save Lives

January 27, 2017

A group of students designed and built three portable solar-powered systems for a hospital in a rural part of the southeastern African country of Malawi.

Winter 2016 Project Day Winner Announced

December 9, 2016

Industrial Design students from Kendall College of Art and Design, win People's Choice Award at Winter 2016 Project Day for their Cold Endurance Mask design.

Playing With Fire

November 14, 2016

Page last modified June 26, 2024