Welcome International Students!

Welcome to the Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Seymour & Esther Padnos College of Engineering (PCE)!

We're delighted that you've chosen to pursue an engineering or occupational safety & health management degree at Grand Valley State University! With campuses in Grand Rapids and Allendale, Michigan, the Padnos College of Engineering offers international students a unique blend of high-quality, practical education, modest tuition, reasonable cost of living, a highly supportive educational environment, and real-world experiential industry-based education that help them to thrive at GVSU and graduate prepared to enter the workforce or pursue a graduate education.

All international students are eligible to receive in-state tuition via the in-state tuition scholarship.

If you have applied or are considering applying to PCE as an international student, this website can help answer your questions.

Map of US with GVSU location
World Map Showing Home Countries of PCEC Students

International Laker Effect

Padnos College of Engineering students are from around the world! We are proud of our diverse domestic and international student population.

Padnos International Center

Top 10 Reasons to Study at the GVSU Padnos College of Engineering

Images of GVSU Campus

1. All Padnos College of Engineering (PCE) students gain valuable work experience through paid industry internships or co-op experiences, which are a required component of all PCE programs.

2. PCE students get started solving real industry problems right away. Project-based learning begins in students' first year.

3. Grand Valley State University (GVSU) is a big school with a small school feel. We offer small class sizes, personalized attention, and opportunities to work closely with faculty, even at the undergraduate level.

4. GVSU faculty love to teach and are focused on student success. Our classes are taught by full-time faculty, not graduate teaching assistants.

5. Alumni of PCE programs are in high demand and have nearly a 100% employment rate upon graduation. Many receive job offers as a result of their internship or co-op experiences.

6. Grand Valley State University tuition is modest compared to other institutions, and the cost of living in Grand Rapids is much more affordable than that of larger U.S. cities. Graduate-level international tuition is the same as in-state tuition.

7. Padnos College of Engineering students have 24/7 access to state-of-the-art facilities, including a wide variety of project spaces, laboratories, and equipment.

8. The staff of the GVSU Padnos International Center are passionate about international education. They provide advocacy, support, community, and resources to ensure the success of international students.

9. Grand Valley State University is a very internationally-friendly institution. We rank 6th nationally for the number of students who study abroad, and we are a top producer of Fulbright scholars.

10. All PCE programs are in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields and, in the U.S., students in STEM fields qualify for up to three years of work experience after graduation.

Popular Pages

PCE Undergraduate Programs

School of Engineering


Biomedical Engineering (B.S.E.)

Computer Engineering (B.S.E.)*

Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.)

Interdisciplinary Engineering (B.S.E.)

Mechanical Engineering (B.S.E.)

Product Design & Manufacturing Engineering (B.S.E.)


*Offered jointly with the School of Computing

Occupational Safety & Health Management Department


Occupational Safety & Health Management (B.S.)

PCE Graduate Program

School of Engineering


Engineering (M.S.E.)

Emphasis Areas:

Biomedical Engineering
Electrical & Computer Engineering 
Manufacturing Operations Engineering 
Mechanical Engineering 
Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering

PCE International Student Spotlights

Video Spotlights

Bashayer Alhanini Spotlight Video

Bashayer Alhanini

Electrical Engineering Student

Home Country: Yemen

Abe Azhar's Experience At GVSU

Abe Azhar

Mechanical Engineering Student

Home Country: Pakistan

Narrative Spotlights

Abdelrahman Elsayed

Abdelrahman Elsayed

M.S.E. in Product Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Home Country: Egypt

"The methodology of learning which relates what we learn in class to solve real-life problems concerned with business and industry was the most valuable component to me. I most appreciated the experience I had through my program which allowed me not only to design creative and innovative prototypes but to actually use the hands-on skills gained through the program to manufacture such prototypes. Actually, I would like to thank my professors who were supportive through my educational experience both professionally and also on the personal side. They helped me as an international student to adapt with the American educational system and culture and never hesitated to help me whenever I needed."

Shahan Khan

Shahan Khan

B.S.E. in Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering 

Home Country: Bangladesh

"I always wanted to see myself helping people with my engineering and technological expertise. GVSU helped me to learn the best practice of product design and manufacturing, and the internship program was a great opportunity to apply the knowledge instantly. GVSU immensely helped me to be process-oriented and made me someone who loves to jump ahead to solve any problem. No institution will teach you how to do the job, but a good engineering institution will build a problem-solving mindset in you which will help you to figure out the solution for any kind of problem. I think GVSU does this very well."

Aziz Gram Sarhan, Jr.

Aziz Gram Sarhan, Jr.

B.S.E. in Mechanical Engineering 

Home Country: England

“What drew me to Grand Valley was the hands-on aspect of the engineering program. I need that tangible feedback for me to feel like I can grow in my field. My favorite aspect about Grand Valley is the classroom size. It has allowed me to stop my professors in real time to ask questions. The professors really do want to help, and those relationships have definitely allowed me to grow. The labs at Grand Valley are preparing us for what we will be taking on in the future. Being here at any time, and enjoying what I’m doing, helps me know that I’m going into the right field."

Nicoline Saw

Nicoline Saw

M.S.E. in Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Home Country: Malaysia

"I chose to attend GVSU because the curriculum is very relevant to the industry today. The hands-on experience gained from doing the numerous projects, assignments, and labs has improved my troubleshooting skills and critical thinking. It has trained me to be resourceful and solve problems independently. Such useful skills have made me relevant in the job market. In addition, the location of the university is safe. Grand Rapids is not a busy city, so it was nice for me to study peacefully and experience the American culture. I also had the opportunity to be involved in mentoring girls from schools in Grand Rapids. I learned how to engage with and inspire young girls to pursue their dreams in engineering. This mentoring experience has greatly enriched my life."

MM Suvro Shahriar

MM Suvro Shahriar

M.S.E. in Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering

Home Country: Bangladesh

"The most valuable component of my GVSU education has been getting to work on really interesting class projects that expanded my learning beyond the textbook knowledge. The hands-on approach is undoubtedly the best part of this learning process. What most surprised me about GVSU is the helpfulness of all the faculty. Coming from a culture where the educational disbursement is mostly one-directional (from teacher to student), this was good change of pace. I have published research work in a conference which was elected as the best its category. I am still a student, so undoubtedly the future will bring about a greater Laker effect!"

Kushal Shrestha

Kushal Shrestha

M.S.E. in Electrical Engineering 

Home Country: Nepal

"The choice was easy when it came to deciding to attend GVSU because of the available courses here. Moreover, the practical approach to every course is an added advantage for students like me who find it difficult to learn from just theories. Studying outside of the home country is really something. One begins to appreciate the little things in life and that is something priceless."

Page last modified July 19, 2024