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Aerospace Industry Association of Michigan Technology Expo Held at Grand Valley State University

March 22, 2022

Aerospace Industry Association of Michigan Technology Expo Held at Grand Valley State University

The Aerospace Industry Association of Michigan (AIAM) held their Aerospace Industry Technology Expo at Grand Valley State University (GVSU) on March 17, 2022. AIAM is a non-profit organization that provides a platform for aerospace leaders in the state to collaborate on initiatives that strengthen and grow the aerospace industry through talent attraction and new investment in Michigan. The AIAM Technology Expo featured an exhibit hall and networking reception in the L.V. Eberhard Center on Grand Valley’s Pew Grand Rapids Campus that provided ample opportunity for interaction between participants. The event was sold-out and there was great energy in the room as participants discussed their work and demonstrated their technologies.

Paul Plotkowski, Dean of the Padnos College, provided a warm welcome to event participants and commented on the growing need for STEM talent in Michigan. This sentiment was echoed by other speakers during the course of the event as they shared information with participants about their companies’ products and how they support the aerospace industry in Michigan.

As part of the event, students in the GVSU Padnos College of Engineering & Computing had the opportunity to network with industry exhibitors and learn more about career pathways and opportunities available in the aerospace industry in Michigan. “We truly appreciate our partnership with the Aerospace Industry Association of Michigan,” said Casey Thelenwood, Assistant Dean of the Padnos College. “Students gain valuable experience networking with employers through participation in this event. The opportunity to speak with representatives from a variety of companies provides invaluable insight on whether careers in the aerospace industry may be a good fit. Students seeking summer internship and co-op employment benefit from the opportunity to have conversations and share resumes with prospective employers.”

View the AIAM Technology Expo photo gallery.

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Page last modified March 22, 2022