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Paul Leidig, Director of the School of Computing, Announces Retirement

May 01, 2024

Paul Leidig, Director of the School of Computing, Announces Retirement

After 33 years of service and countless cherished memories, Paul Leidig, Director of the School of Computing, announced his retirement from Grand Valley State University. He served as the unit head and director for 24 years. “It has been an incredible journey, one filled with challenges, triumphs, and unforgettable experiences,” Leidig said.

When he arrived at Grand Valley State University in 1991, Mackinac Hall was comprised solely of the current center C-wing. At that time, the computing program and courses were housed within the Mathematics and Computer Science department, which consisted of only a few faculty members. The department offered just one computing major: computer science, with a focus on either systems analysis or information systems.  Today the School has approximately 1,400 students across 5 undergraduate and 4 graduate programs.

By 1993, recognizing the growing importance and complexity of computing, GVSU formed the Computer Science & Information Systems department. Leidig said “he was honored to be selected as the unit head of this growing department in 2001.”  Over the subsequent decade, the significance of computing continued to grow, prompting further evolution. In 2003, in a broad reorganization effort across the university, the computing department became the School of Computing & Information Systems. And now after 24 years serving as the School Director, he says they have achieved his goal of a new College of Computing.

“It has been an honor and a privilege to witness the growth and transformation of our programs,” he says; “To our students, faculty, and community partners, thank you for a wonderful three decades.”

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Page last modified May 1, 2024