PCE News

Computing & Engineering Accepting Industry Proposals for Senior Projects!

November 20, 2020

Computing & Engineering Accepting Industry Proposals for Senior Projects!

Do you have an industry problem that needs to be solved? Let our students do the work! Submit a proposal now to sponsor a computing or engineering senior project next semester.

The School of Computing is currently soliciting project proposals for the Winter 2021 Computer Science Senior Project course. Teams of 3-4 computer science students will work on a software deliverable proposed by your company for a 15-week semester. Visit the Applied Computing Institute website for more information on senior projects and how to apply.

Senior students in the School of Engineering are required to complete a two-semester capstone senior project beginning in Winter 2021. Teams of students from multiple engineering disciplines are given real-world engineering design problems to solve by participating industry partners and other sponsoring organizations. Visit the School of Engineering Senior Projects website for more information and the online application form.

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Page last modified November 20, 2020