PCE News

"A Day's Work" Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion

April 10, 2017

"A Day's Work" Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion

The screening and discussion of “A Day’s Work” was sponsored by the Occupational Safety and Health department in conjunction with Public Health and the ASSE student chapter and held on April 6th. The film focused on the death of Day Davis, a temporary worker on his first day at work. The film highlighted the lack of safety and health training for temporary workers. A panel discussion following the screening explored the issue further.  Over 100 people attended the event. 

Pictured: Panel participants Azizur Molla – Public Health, Dave Huizen – OSH, David DeSario – Film Producer, Deb Gorkisch – MIOSHA, Dave Dickhaut – UAW, and Jeffrey – Rothstein Sociology

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Page last modified April 10, 2017