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GVSU Hosts FIRST Tech Challenge Training

October 21, 2021

GVSU Hosts FIRST Tech Challenge Training

The 2021-2022 FIRST Tech Challenge season is officially underway! FIRST In Michigan reached out to Grand Valley State University for space to host an FTC Volunteer training session as part of the preparation for the competitive season. Alexander Fera, a Lead FIRST Technical Advisor, coordinated the event for Saturday, October 11, at the Innovation Design Center. Local FTC volunteers met at the IDC to learn about FTC field setup/teardown, network setup, scoring system, inspection, robot troubleshooting and customer service. 

“It’s nice to be able to open our space back up to the community and use it for what it was intended: utilizing our dedicated space to bring multiple schools together for K-12 STEM projects and enrichment.” Said Sara Maas, the outreach coordinator for the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing.

GVSU is in the process of obtaining a Freight Frenzy field for local FTC teams to utilize for practice or scrimmaging.  For access to the field at the Innovation Design Center, please contact Sara Maas at [email protected]

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Page last modified October 21, 2021