PCE News

School of Engineering Offers Credit-by-Exam Options for First-Year Engineering Courses

November 02, 2020

School of Engineering Offers Credit-by-Exam Options for First-Year Engineering Courses

Engineering students may attempt to test out of the EGR 111, EGR 112, and/or EGR 113 courses if they have prior experience with the course content and have not previously attempted or completed the course in question at Grand Valley. Students who test out of these courses will receive credit for each course by passing each exam. 

The next exams will be held in-person at the Innovation Design Center on the GVSU Pew Grand Rapids Campus on January 11th, 12th, and 13th, 2021. Each test costs $50 per course credit. 

Visit the First-Year Engineering Course Credit-by-Exam website for details and to sign up for the exams.

Visit the School of Engineering website.

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Page last modified November 2, 2020