PCE News

School of Engineering Hosts Thanksgiving Celebration for Graduate Students and Partners

November 27, 2019

School of Engineering Hosts Thanksgiving Celebration for Graduate Students and Partners

Students in School of Engineering graduate programs come from many countries across four continents. Each year, to celebrate the American tradition of Thanksgiving, the School of Engineering hosts a celebration for graduate students as well as industry and university partners.

It's a great opportunity for the international students to take part in a non-religious celebration focused around gratitude and delicious food, and a wonderful time for us to thank our many partners and collaborators who make the School of Engineering graduate programs possible.

Dr. Shabbir Choudhuri, Director of School of Engineering graduate programs, coordinates the event. "Industry and community play a vital role in our program. They provide job opportunities, graduate fellowships, internships, and research projects to our students. Our curriculum is dependent on practice-based hands-on learning, so their partnership is invaluable. This event is our sincere effort to thank them for their support," said Dr. Choudhuri.

This year, engineering students gifted President Mantella with a cornucopia of flowers as an expression of gratitude for her support of the engineering programs. 

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Page last modified November 27, 2019