PCE News

Scholarships Make a Positive Impact on PCEC Students; Help Them Obtain Career Goals

November 18, 2020

Scholarships Make a Positive Impact on PCEC Students; Help Them Obtain Career Goals

Several Padnos College of Engineering & Computing students received scholarships this academic year thanks to the generosity of individual and corporate donors. In a year marred by COVID-19, this scholarship support meant more than ever and helped many students stay on-track in their Computing, Engineering, and Occupational Safety & Health Management programs despite the economic recession and growing financial need. 

So, from all of us in PCEC, THANK YOU, DONORS, for your support of our students! Many individual students shared with us the positive impact that their scholarships have had on them this year; select quotes below.

“As a woman and a minority, I want to make sure that voices like mine are heard in, and contribute to, this field, and this scholarship sent me the message that there are people who believe in me and want to support me.”   - Vivi Hoang, Computing Student, Windstream Technology Scholarship Recipient

“I am honored to have been awarded the Occupational Safety & Health Management Scholarship. It has been significantly helpful in completing my degree and securing my future.” - Jessica Dixon, Occupational Safety & Health Management Student

"Day in and day out, I learn more about the mechanics and technology behind our machines, automobiles, and automated devices because I had an opportunity to further my passion. I couldn’t have asked for a better time to advance my knowledge than now." - Mason Simmet, Engineering Student, FIRST Robotics Scholarship Recipient

Students interested in applying for scholarships for the next academic year should visit the PCEC Scholarship Opportunities website.

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Page last modified November 18, 2020