PCE News

aMDI develops a new technology for spine surgery training

February 01, 2018

aMDI develops a new technology for spine surgery training

aMDI is co-developing, with Holland-based medical device manufacturer Encoris, a new technology that replaces cadavers for minimally invasive spine surgery training. The project includes the design of a multi-angle camera system for the S2T Surgical SmartTrainer that mimic x-rays images. This reduces the need for cadavers and exposure of medical students to harmful X-rays during training for spinal surgeries.

aMDI Executive Director Dr. Brent Nowak spoke highly of the device’s potential. “‘The idea is that you would use this spine to train two or three doctors, then take it out and put another spine in. You can keep reusing this rather than having to keep doing surgeries on cadavers’”.

Read more here: https://www.lanthorn.com/article/2018/02/news-amdi-encoris-smarttrainer

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Page last modified February 1, 2018