PCE News

Get Involved Event Spotlights Opportunities to Learn and Build Community

October 11, 2023

Get Involved Event Spotlights Opportunities to Learn and Build Community

The School of Computing hosted its inaugural Get Involved event on Tuesday, October 3. The open house featured representatives from all four student clubs, the Python Wave study program, internships, Swiss Summer Exchange, the Applied Computing Institute, PCEC Advising, several graduate and undergrad research groups, the MiCTRA threat range, and Auto-Owners Insurance, our sponsor.

The goal was to create an opportunity for new Computing students to feel welcomed and supported, and to get connected from the very beginning, while learning about all the wonderful opportunities available to them now and in the future. 

"It's like Campus Life Night for Computing," said Claire Grob, the President of Women in Computing who is also serving her second term as a Python Wave Ambassador.

There was a great turnout, and the response was incredibly positive. Several seniors said they wished something like this had been around when they were undergraduates.

We are grateful to all the faculty, staff, and student representatives who made this first event such a success. Thank you to our sponsor, Auto-Owners Insurance, and specifically, Greg Flohr, Assistant Vice President of IT, for taking the time to talk to so many of our students. 

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Page last modified October 11, 2023