PCE News

Cyber Students Win Grant to Research Data Security in Healthcare

October 13, 2023

Cyber Students Win Grant to Research Data Security in Healthcare

Congratulations to Cybersecurity students, Emma Feustel and Hannah Woznick, who were awarded a $3000 grant by the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship to research Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) security in healthcare.

RFID-technology has been around for years and has been used in almost everything: credit cards, clothes, shoes, cars, animals, and even people. Within e-healthcare, RFID has viable applications to provide real-time data that could prove vital to quicker and more convenient patient care but with this convenience comes an increased concern about security.

Emma Feustel said their research began last fall in a class taught by Dr. Samah Mansour.

 “We were interested to find out why people seemed so afraid of implanted technology (like RFID) and so based our end-of-semester project around where that technology came from, where it's going, and why people are afraid of it going in them. Dr. Mansour reached out and asked us if we would like to continue researching the topic, and eventually we worked on building a model for how RFID powered devices could work in a hospital and how they could be used to both protect patients and keep their data safe.“

To learn more about undergraduate research, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship is hosting a series of events to introduce students to the ins and outs, and to show them how to find a research program and faculty mentor . 

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Page last modified October 13, 2023