PCE News

PCEC Joins Tech Week

October 11, 2022

PCEC Joins Tech Week

On Friday, September 23rd The GVSU Applied Computing Institute (ACI), School of Engineering, and PCEC Outreach joined forces with The Right Place and other local technology and innovation leaders like - Start Garden and West Michigan Tech Talent for Tech Week, an event to showcase local technology developments and encourage community interest in West Michigan’s tech corridor.

“With ACI’s focus on collaborating with industry partners to solve computing problems, this was a perfect event to showcase our current research and student projects,” said Sara Maas, Director of K-12 & Community Outreach.

The event was launched to align with Art Prize and the Confluence Festival, as an opportunity to promote the research and development in PCEC, as well as involve younger students with hands-on activities. It was also a chance to publicly discuss a current ACI project with an industry sponsor that involves an oral care mobile app that uses machine learning to determine how good a brushing session is.

GVSU’s Dr. Lisa Kenyon and Dr. John Farris both provided information and insight on an School of Engineering activity around Power Mobility, while ACI graduate assistants offered live demos and shared data on current technology development. 

“It was another great opportunity to promote what GVSU and PCEC is involved in and how we integrate learning with real-world applications,” said Maas. “Innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It takes partnership and collaboration, which we’re so lucky to have here in West Michigan.”

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Page last modified October 11, 2022