
Kathleen Bell '81 & '99

Kathleen Bell '81 & '99


1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
I began my Nursing career at Wm Beaumont Hospital where I worked for 5+ years. I was a staff nurse and then did chemotherapy administration. Back then, not all nurses could do this as well as teach the person during the usual work hours. In 1986 I got married and moved to the Grand Rapids area and did floor nursing at Butterworth. Later I took a management role and also completed my Masters in Nursing Adult Education. At that time there were no Nurse practitioner schools unless I traveled to Chicago. I worked myself up to a Clinical Nurse Specialist where I developed the nursing practice in Radiation Oncology. After 25 years I “was not needed” and thus left and found employment elsewhere. I worked as a community manager for hospice, managed long-term care, and was a case manager for Mi Choice Waiver. These last three roles led me to reuse my basic nursing knowledge but my tools were a little better. I felt like I was really a nurse again. After 43 years of nursing full time the only gap was two maternity leaves!

2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
It was the mid to late 70’s and I’m sure like many, it was a great time to be a grand valley. The best was being in the first marching band ever and all the craziness that was and co-authoring the GVSC Fight Song. 

3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
People say “I never use anything I went to college for”. I say, you weren’t counseled well as I continue to the knowledge that was given me from the instructors.

4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand Valley experience.
Wonderful, Life Changing, and Forward Thinking

5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
I feel I did make a difference as had the opportunity to educate many new nurses and be a positive role model. I also published and participated in creating an educational series on a national level which won an award from the American Journal of Nursing.

July 2024

Interest Area(s)
Nursing, Education -Higher Education

West Michigan

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Page last modified July 1, 2024