
Lerenza Howard '07

Lerenza Howard '07

Infection Preventionist

LinkedIn Profile

1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
With my degree in biomedical science from GVSU I subsequently acquired a role as a microbiologist within a nutrition laboratory at Silliker Mérieux Nutrisciences. I then transitioned into working for a radioactive pharmaceutical laboratory as a microbiologist at GE Healthcare. My desire was to attain a role within an acute care hospital therefore I had the opportunity to work for the University of Chicago Medical Center's (UCM) microbiology lab as a medical technologist. While working at UCM I was exposed to the field of infection prevention which was very intriguing to me, and I developed the desire to seek how I could transition into the infection control field. I later became a medical technologist at Northwestern University working in their histocompatibility laboratory whereby we assisted with the facilitation of solid organ transplants. I pursued my master's degree in Healthcare Administration at National Louis University, and I graduated in May 2020. I later attained a role as an infection preventionist at an acute care hospital with Advocate Aurora Healthcare which is where I currently work. I was accepted into the University of Indianapolis' Doctor of Health Science program in which I started the program in Fall of 2021. I recently passed my board certification in infection control, and I am looking forward to advancing infection prevention and control practices in healthcare.

2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
My favorite memory was being a member of the Voices of GVSU. I met some amazing individuals while participating in the choir including our choir director Mama CC. I thoroughly miss our practice sessions and performing together at various events. Additionally, through GVSU I had the opportunity to study abroad to Ghana, Africa which was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Through my involvement in the study abroad program my worldview was forever shifted in gaining a deeper understanding of my heritage and the world around me.

3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Wherever you go be a unicorn! One of my professors within my master's program gave me poignant advice regarding the advancement of my career, and one thing he noted was to make yourself standout. It's easy to go along with the flow but you want to be the flow and sharpen your skills and talents such that others will seek your knowledge.

4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand Valley experience.
Immersive, empowering, and worthwhile

5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
I would like to be the change that I desire to see in the world, and to be an inspiration to others. During my experience at GVSU I was an introvert, and I did not know the value of being involved in various activities on campus and the importance of networking with faculty/staff and other students. I currently encourage and mentor young girls on the importance of being active and involved in various activities that cultivate their personal and professional skills. Therefore, I fervently desire to make the path for purpose seeking more intuitive and for future generations to seek mentors such as myself that are willing to be open and honest about our foibles and the lessons in which we've learned along the way to assist with providing adequate guidance that I wish sought out in my youth.

October 2022

Interest Area(s)
Biomedical Sciences

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Page last modified October 14, 2022