
Bridget Hernandez '07

Bridget Hernandez '07

Supporting family biz

1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
I graduated in '07 on the cusp of an oncoming recession. The job market was bleak and very competitive. While I had some good leads, it came down to 'going with someone that has more experience.' Let's say 2007 was not kind to college grads. Many of my friends went back to school or found themselves in in-between jobs outside of their field. Let's just say the Laker Steadfast attitude kept me going and I landed a job toward the end of the year that would build into more than a decade of a successful sales career. With the pandemic, I have transitioned from that career (a hard, big decision but the right one for me and my family) and am currently supporting my husband's companies and our very busy preschooler.

2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
Too many really!! I will always have a soft spot for rowing at the football games (GVSU won *4* NATIONAL championships during my 5-year run). I was very involved in student life and while it kept me busy and was fun to invest my energy and time, I really enjoyed seeing how my efforts combined with fellow students made the whole student experience better for everyone!

3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
" kind them anyway..." You don't know what people are going through. Don't get walked over. Stick up for yourself. But don't write people off, forgive people, and love people. It's not about them, it's about you and when you choose to give grace to others, you're giving grace to yourself.

4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand Valley experience.
Simply the best.

5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
To share love and joy that helps people even if just in a moment, a day, a year, or a lifetime. We belong to each other. The world is a better place because of every one, together.

April 2021

Interest Area(s)
Adv Public Relations

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Page last modified April 12, 2021