
Madison Spratt '19

Madison Spratt '19

PhD Candidate - Northwestern University

LinkedIn Profile

1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
During my undergraduate studies, I decided to pursue the combined BS and MS degrees through the Cell and Molecular Biology Professional Science Master's program. Following the completion of my undergraduate degree, this program allowed me to work as a laboratory technician for a company called Ranir while taking courses that exposed me to the industrial applications of my degree. As part of the degree, I was also able to complete a summer internship at Vertex Pharmaceuticals. While I enjoyed my industry experiences and found them incredibly valuable in developing my professional and technical skillset, I found myself missing the focus on basic foundational biology that I was able to pursue through my work as an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Dawn Hart's lab. Because of this, following the completion of my MS degree, I began my PhD in Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences at Northwestern University. I currently am completing my thesis work in Dr. Keara Lane's lab, where I am focused on understanding pathogen decision-making during infection from a single-cell, systems-level perspective.

2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
Too many to list! Late night Orgo study sessions, making friends who I'm still close with today in lab, taking courses that pushed me out of my STEM comfort zone (Tai Chi, Modernism, and Scandalous Literature were highlights), and the feeling of community that came from being part of a small major.

3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Don't "self-filter" yourself for opportunities - pursue the position/school/grant/career path you want, and not only the safer options you think you can achieve.

4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand Valley experience.
Personalized, Supportive, and Exciting

5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
I'd like to make life sciences research more accessible and transparent through education, outreach, and communicating my own work.

June 2024

Interest Area(s)
Cell and Molecular Biology

Honors College

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Page last modified June 4, 2024