Mission, Vision, and Values

Our mission at the Seymour and Esther Padnos College of Engineering Outreach office is to introduce K-12 students to the fields of engineering and occupational safety and health management. We do this through active community engagement focusing on scientific and technical careers.

Our vision is to increase the quality, diversity, and the number of students prepared to work and major in engineering and occupational safety and health management. Outreach activities are employed to enrich and strengthen the ties of the community and to facilitate personal and professional interactions among students, faculty, and staff.

• Inspire creative learning and understanding of engineering and occupational safety and health management education.
• We value liberal education and support its continuity.
• Instilling excitement and passion in students to pursue engineering and occupational safety and health management education.
• Life-long learning through diverse collaborations with professional societies to stay at the cutting edge of technology.


At GVSU we are committed to Student Outcomes Assessment.  We establish relevant outcomes for our academic and co-curricular programs at all levels, and ensure they are met through regular and rigorous assessment practices.

Student Outcomes for academic programs and student services/advising units are available on the GVSU website.

Student Outcomes specific to Padnos College K-12 and Community Outreach focus on building and maintaining a STEM pipeline.

Page last modified July 1, 2024