STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

What is STEM?

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is an initiative to cultivate skilled scientists and engineers needed to create tomorrow's innovations. Scientists and Engineers are crucial in building the economic growth of a country through research and development. STEM education will help proficient workers who are capable of handling the high demands of science and technology. The need for professionals in these fields continues to increase; most jobs requiring problem solving skills, a thorough knowledge of computer systems and an understanding of scientific and mathematic principles. These skills and knowledge can only be obtained by taking courses related to STEM. There is enormous need for STEM education, for shaping brighter futures, and to excel in different career paths. 

Padnos College of Engineering (PCE) outreach programs are designed to create positive, hands-on learning-environments for students. Our hope is that students involved in these activities will develop the interest to pursue education and careers in engineering and science.

For K-12 Students

STEM skills are required in order to be productive and capable members of our nation’s society. Engineers and computer scientists are problem solvers with a passion for making the world a better place to live in. They make discoveries and innovations from new medical breakthroughs to cool, earth-saving technologies. A solid foundation of STEM education opens the door to wide opportunities to excel in our lives.

Resources for Students: 
AspireDream up the future (students), Engineering - Go for ItScholarshipsGlobe, Engineering Projects & Games, Coding & Programming Terms, AI Coding and Programming

For Parents & Teachers

All students are born scientists. Parents and teachers need to encourage curiosity and nurture the interest of students by implementing new teaching methods.

Resources for parents and teachers: 
NABTNSTAAAASOn Being a ScientistDream up the future (teachers)

For Professionals, Faculty, & GVSU Students

It is our responsibility to foster integrity, competence and inspire the virtues of compassion and courage into the younger generation. We want to encourage engineering and computer professionals, grads, current faculty and students involving in STEM activities and outreach. If we are excited about our professions, the kids will want to investigate their options and explore new opportunities... Volunteer!

Page last modified July 1, 2024