Applied Linguistics-English as a Second Language (ESL)
The ESL track of the applied linguistics minor is designed for students seeking PK-3 and/or 3-6 certification. Completion of the PCKET major, the educational studies major, and the ESL minor leads to teacher certification and an endorsement in ESL. 

The role of English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers is to promote educational equity and the academic achievement of non-English speaking students by teaching them how to speak, read, write, listen, and communicate in English and by supporting them in learning content knowledge and academic language while they learn English. Grand Valley's programs leading to a certification to teach with an endorsement (add-on certification) in ESL provide: 

  • content knowledge across all elementary subjects
  • thorough understanding of the structure of English
  • theoretical understanding of language learning
  • knowledge of effective teaching practices
  • the ability to communicate content knowledge
  • extensive field experiences teaching in both general education and ESL classrooms

More information about Applied Linguistics-English as a Second Language (ESL).

If you choose the 3-6 Grade Band with this specialization, you are not required to take the 3 disciplinary concentrations. If you elect to add a specialization to your 3-6 Grade Band, you still have the option to take the disciplinary concentration courses, and are encouraged to do so, but it is not a requirement.

Page last modified March 18, 2021