Billing Information

Billing Schedule
Bills are sent out around the 12th of the month, with the payment due the first of the following month. If your payment is not received by the time the next month's bills are run, your account will be assessed a late charge.

Billing Information
The bills will list all your loans. Always return the stub with your remittance so your payment will be credited promptly. If you lose your bill, you may send your payment directly to the Long-Term Loan office. Please put your account number on your check to identify your loan.

Automated Clearing House
Grand Valley offers the ACH program. This allows us to withdraw funds from your checking or savings account on the due date. Please click the link below to access the ACH brochure.

You will need adobe acrobat to view and print the following form. If you do not have acrobat, click the logo and follow the instructions for your free version of the acrobat reader.
Click here to access ACH brochure.

Page last modified March 7, 2016