October 4-5, 2019 – Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Thanks to all who attended and spoke for making this year's Midwest Relativity Meeting a success. We loved having you here in Grand Rapids.

Congratulations to Alvaro Ballon Bordo (Perimeter Institute & University of Waterloo), the 2019 MRM Blue Apple Winner!

See you next year in Notre Dame!

Alvaro Ballon Bordo wins the 2019 Blue Apple Prize

The 29th Annual Midwest Relativity Meeting will be hosted by Grand Valley State University (GVSU) on the Pew Campus in downtown Grand Rapids, MI.

The meeting will include two full days of scientific talks on contemporary topics in relativity, including, but not limited to: gravitational waves, cosmology, astrophysics, mathematical relativity, experimental relativity, and quantum gravity. A public talk on Black Holes (Leo Stein, Univ of Mississippi) will be held on Friday evening.

Registration is free and all efforts will be made to provide time slots (10-15min, TBD) for interested speakers. Graduate students and undergraduates are encouraged to present their work.

Aerial view of GVSU Pew Campus, Grand Rapids, MI near the Grand River

Amanda Pitts

Quick Reference

Contact the local organizers: Brett Bolen (bolenbr@gvsu.edu) and Ben Holder (holderb@gvsu.edu).

Page last modified December 6, 2019