
GVSU James F. and Virginia L. Goode Global Programs Fund

The Global Programs Fund is a newer initiative supporting students who wish to go on GVSU faculty-led study abroad programs. This scholarship helps increase access to study abroad and provides support to students who otherwise would not have the financial means to have an international experience. 

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Murray Study Abroad Scholarship

Established in 2006, The Mark A. & Elizabeth C. Murray Scholarship for Study Abroad is intended to support students who wish to study outside of the United States but without this fund would not be able to do so. In addition to the Murray Family, the generosity of individuals, organizations and businesses contribute to the continuation of this scholarship, which helps send 4 - 8 GVSU students abroad every year. 

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Empowering Haiti Through Education Scholarship

The Empowering Haiti through Education Fund exists solely to support "rising stars" from Haitian high schools, who, without financial support, would not be able to realize their potential and pursue higher education in the USA. The scholarship helps these students to attend Grand Valley State University so that, after receiving their education, they can return to Haiti and further that nation's development.

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GVSU Study Abroad Giving Tuesday

From GVSU International Scholarship Recipients:

"I look back to the semester I spent enrolled at the University of Perugia with great pride because, in completing all of my International Relations coursework in Italian alongside local students, I proved a great deal to myself. For me, my experiences abroad would never have been possible without the Murray Study Abroad Scholarship. To all the individuals and organizations that made my experience possible, I am forever grateful."

-Mario Amaya-Velazquez (Italy, 2012)

Mario Amaya

"This experience really changed my life. And I know that everyone who's done it, their lives have been dramatically changed. The perspective really shapes our future. I'm so grateful to the donors. And now, I'm in the process of giving back to that same scholarship. Thank you." 

-Mitchell Grewer (China, 2012)

Mitchell Grewer

"With the money that I received from your generous scholarship fund I was able to purchase my plane ticket to Quito, Ecuador where I lived and student taught for two months. I was placed with a family who spoke only Spanish, and for that I am forever grateful. Now that I am back in Michigan and student teaching for the last time I find myself becoming a valuable asset to the school when a Spanish translator is needed to talk to the parents of my very diverse students."

-Bethany Ryder (Ecuador, 2013) 

Bethany Ryder

"When I studied abroad in 2010, it provided me with the opportunity to explore myself, my culture, and heritage. The program has also allowed me to explore my career path, meet wonderful people, and learn about the importance of life journey. I would like to thank you for your generosity by supporting GVSU students and the Padnos International Center. "

-Joanne Tan (China, 2010)

Joanne (Cheng) Tan

"My study abroad experience changed my life. I traveled to Japan for one semester. Without this scholarship I never dream of living in Japan or having so many international friends. I have chosen a career path in Philanthropy and I am now a AmeriCorps Habitat for Humanity Oakland County Volunteer Coordinator. Living in Japan has opened up for love for travel and I now want to move abroad but still doing what I love, working in a nonprofit. I would like to thank you for your gift and my bright future."

-Mariah Smith (Japan, 2013)

Mariah Smith

Murray Study Abroad Scholarship

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The Mark A. and Elizabeth C. Murray Scholarship supports students who would otherwise not have the financial means to study abroad.

Page last modified January 10, 2025