International Partnership Development

International partnerships offer a range of opportunities including study abroad; student, staff and faculty exchanges; joint scholarly research; curriculum development & enhancement; collaborative symposia, workshops and lectures; professional development, and other activities.

Successful partnerships are the result of thoughtful, intentional and time intensive collaborative efforts. The focus of these endeavors is to support the primary mission of GVSU and the partner institution.

The following resources will outline the process for developing an international partnership through the lens of:

  • Centrality. New partnerships must involve and be vetted by the Padnos International Center's Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships along with all relevant administrative officers so that information on all partnerships can be reviewed with all university policies and processes followed.
  • Sustainability. The required steps in the process are geared towards ensuring an active, balanced, and sustainable partnership. A successful collegial relationship does not always translate into a successful institutional partnership.
  • Flexibility. New partnerships may be university-to-university, or might be specific to a particular college or unit.

CUE-GVSU International Partnership Video

Steps for Developing Institutional and College/Department Level Partnerships

Developing an Institutional Level Partnership

  1. A host institution invites GVSU to consider an international partnership;
  2. A GVSU faculty/staff member has made and maintained a strong, lasting contact with an institution abroad; or
  3. A site visit is conducted based on GVSU’s interest in an area and the promise in that area –during the site visit, partners will be confirmed.

A meeting will be arranged with the Padnos International Center's Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships Ehren Kuzekov ( to discuss interest and commitment, review the length of the process, discuss how the proposed partnership meets university goals and priorities, and last but certainly not least, the feasibility.

A preliminary proposal is submitted to PIC either by a GVSU faculty or staff member, a department head, a dean, or a member of the administration.

The Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships Ehren Kuzekov ( will review the preliminary proposal and work with interested parties to determine campus-wide interest and feasibility in developing the partnership.

If the Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships determines that there is not significant enough interest amongst the campus community or the proposal does not fit within university goals and priorities, the preliminary proposal will not be approved and the process concludes.

If significant interest is evident and the proposal fits within university goals and priorities, an announcement will be made by the Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships to relevant deans, department heads, PIC Faculty/Staff Associates, and members of the International Education Committee (IEC). The announcement will provide general information about the proposed program and invite feedback and involvement in program development. This may include curriculum review.

The Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships will initiate the development of a full partnership proposal and send it to relevant deans and the IEC for review and feedback. Once feedback is gathered, a final proposal will be reviewed by the Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships.

The faculty sponsor will be asked to work with PIC on the development of an agreement. The terms of the agreement must be approved by GVSU’s University Counsel, PIC and appropriate authorities at the partner institution. Once the terms of the agreement are finalized, the Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships will send a formal recommendation to the President and Provost for consideration and approval.

GVSU may extend an invitation for a person at the partner institution to visit GVSU to sign the agreement. A ceremony is generally held to commemorate the signing of an international partnership agreement.

Developing a College/Department Level Partnership

The college will meet with the Padnos International Center's Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships Ehren Kuzekov ( to discuss the interest in developing an international partnership. This should involve a meeting with the faculty liaison and the relevant unit head and/or dean.

This meeting will be focused on discussing the process for developing an international partnership, reviewing GVSU and the department/college’s goals and priorities, and to ascertain feasibility of the proposed partnership.

A faculty sponsor, appointed by the dean of the college, will develop a preliminary proposal for review and approval by the Padnos International Center's Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships.

If approved, the faculty liaison and dean of the college will send a letter of notification to relevant deans, department heads, faculty and staff within the college, and the International Education Committee (IEC) to inform them of the intent to develop an international partnership and invite participation and feedback.

NOTE: The college agrees to provide financial support and time for exploratory site visits to gather information and create connections. In addition, the college agrees to work collaboratively with the Padnos International Center to maintain good communication of program activities and goals. This is in large part due to the responsibilities that the university has to report to the federal government program activities that involve the educational exchange of students, staff, and scholars.

The faculty sponsor will coordinate the development of a full partnership proposal and send this to the Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships. The proposal will be reviewed and forwarded to the Padnos International Center's Executive Director for approval.

If not awarded approval, a recommendation will be made whether or not to continue the development of the program.

If the proposal is approved, the faculty sponsor will work with PIC to finalize the terms of the agreement with the partner institution. Prior to signing, the terms of the agreement must be approved by GVSU’s University Counsel, PIC, and the appropriate authorities at the partner institution.

Once the terms of the agreement are finalized, the Executive Director will send a formal recommendation to the President and Provost for consideration and approval. Where appropriate, the college/department may extend an invitation for a person at the partner institution to visit GVSU to sign the agreement. A ceremony is generally held to commemorate the signing of a partnership agreement.

The college will take responsibility for annual reviews of the partnership program. This includes assessing the success of program activities and ensuring that an active relationship is maintained with the international partner.

Questions? Contact

Ehren Kuzekov

Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships

Flags at Global Laker Fest

Page last modified March 11, 2025