Wait! Did you get your poster stamped?
Bring Posters to:
Promotions Office
0008 Kirkhof Center
1 Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49401
Hours: M-F from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
In order to be stamped and posted, your posters must meet the Campus Posting Policy.
Each poster must be stamped on the front, in person, with an "Approval" stamp. If posters are hung without being stamped, they will be removed. Posters are not permitted on walls, outside of classrooms, or on boards labeled "For Academic Use Only".
How many posters am I allowed to post?
The number of posters you can post depends on the poster type:

You can post on both the General and Campus Boards if:
You are representing a GVSU department or Registered Student Organization (RSO).
You are promoting an on-campus activity/event*, program, or other on-campus involvement opportunities.
*Off-campus events fall into this category if they are sponsored or organized by GVSU

You can post on the General Boards only if:
You are representing an off-campus business or organization; or yourself personally.
You are promoting a job posting, business, sale, advertisement, etc.

You can post on the Housing Opportunity Boards only if:
You are representing an off-campus business or organization; or yourself personally.
You are promoting a room/house/apartment for rent/sale.

Board Locations and Numbers

Boards inside academic buildings: 41
23 Campus Boards: only GVSU posters allowed
18 General Boards: GVSU and non-GVSU posters allowed
There are 41 total boards in academic buildings. These can be accessed by anyone, any time the buildings are open. Refer to the map PDF below to see the locations of posting boards within buildings.
Boards inside living centers: 39
All 39 boards in living centers are Campus Boards (only GVSU posters allowed).
You must use the Promotions Office posting service to post on these boards, since living centers are locked and can only be accessed by staff and students who live there.
Total number of posting boards in Allendale = 80
(41 in academic buildings + 39 in living centers)
PDF of all board locations in academic buildings
There are 41 posting boards that you can access if you're posting yourself.
Posting boards are located throughout the Allendale campus. The highest concentration of boards (and student traffic) is in Mackinac Hall, Kirkhof, and the Library.
All official posting boards have a blue sign at the top that says "CAMPUS POSTING ONLY", "GENERAL POSTING ONLY", or "HOUSING OPPORTUNITY POSTING ONLY".
The PDF only includes academic buildings. If you would like a breakdown of which boards are in which living centers, contact the Promotions Office.