Insights and Ideas
I'm excited to be holding a series of informal gatherings with faculty and staff throughout the semester to discuss important topics and expand on areas of interest. I’ll be co-hosting with Acting Provost Jen Drake and other members of the Senior Leadership Team to share and explore insights into our collective work and shared journey. Following each session, the key themes and topics will be shared with the entire faculty and staff community to connect everyone to these important discussions.

Themes From Discussions
- Embracing the whole student and being involved in their success both in and out of the classroom is critical to who we are
- Promote and resource a culture of care, especially as the university community deals with increasing changes and stresses
- Expand opportunities to increase partnership between staff and faculty
- Be vocal in sharing our pride in areas of equity and building a welcoming atmosphere
- Integrate PSS into campus community activities more frequently
- Understand that progress sometimes requires letting go of things that are familiar
- Strengthen the process and expand opportunities to enhance participation in and communications of university decisions
- Convey support for and build a common framework for shared governance
- More small gestures are needed as they help strengthen morale
- Prioritize hiring full-time faculty as part of the planning for university growth and accommodating increasingly complex student needs
- Align priorities with institutional goals, it's time to think holistically and proactively and to lay out and share thoughtful plans and not simply fill gaps
- As GVSU's strategic plan enters its next phase, realize that GVSU remains a young institution and tensions are part of growth and context. We can and will prevail.
- In research, there are opportunities for collaboration across the university to build on our current success and add new directions
- GVSU is a leader in the area of health and should explore ways to magnify that work and messaging and expand the offerings to new areas
- Sharing our Laker pride more often; we are far too humble
- Focus on equity as it comes to compensation and employment opportunities at GVSU
- Leverage technology to create opportunities and meet students' basic needs
- Focus on marketing our immensely talented students to employers and institutions