Academic Affairs Important Dates



After Faculty contracts
begin in August

New Faculty Orientation


Academic year begins. Faculty should be available for University activities associated with the start of the academic year. (See BOT 4.2.20)

First day of Fall Semester

Faculty Personnel Policy (FPP)- Deadline to submit portfolio to the Unit Head for promotion to Professor/Senior Librarian




Sabbatical Policy (SAB) - Deadline for applicants to submit proposals to the Sabbatical website

Second Thursday in September

Tenure and Promotion Reception


SAB - Revised sabbatical leave proposals are due


SAB - Unit recommendations are due



First Tuesday

Undergraduate Research Fair


SAB - College Sabbatical Review Committee forwards recommended sabbatical proposals by tiers to the University Sabbatical Review Committee



Two weeks before the Dean is scheduled to notify the unit of personnel actions

FPP - Deadline for candidate to apply in writing to the Dean for all promotions except to Professor/Senior Librarian

Two days during the first full week of November

Teach-In: Power, Privilege, and Difficult Dialogues


Award nominations due:
   Office of the Provost:
        Glenn A. Niemeyer Faculty Award
        Outstanding Service Awards  (University and Community)
   Pew FTLC Office:
         University Outstanding Teacher Award 
         Pew Teaching Awards
   CSCE Office:
         Distinguished Contribution in a Discipline 
         Early-Career Scholar Award
         Graduate Student Mentoring Award 
         Undergraduate Mentoring Award
   Student Academic Success Center:
         Outstanding Advising and Student Services Award
   Padnos International Center:
          Internationalization Award   

Third Monday of November

SAB - University Sabbatical Review Committee recommendations are due




SAB - University Sabbatical Review Committee forwards sabbatical proposal recommendations by tier to the Deans  


SAB - Dean forwards Sabbatical proposal recommendations by tier to the Provost

Award recommendations due to Office of the Provost:                        
     Distinguished Undergraduate Mentoring Award
     Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award
     Distinguished Early Career Scholar Award
     Pew Teaching Awards
     Internationalization Award
     Outstanding Advising and Student Services Award
     Outstanding Service Awards (University and Community)
     Distinguished Contribution in a Discipline                      
     Outstanding Teacher Award 
     Glenn A. Niemeyer Faculty Award

By third Friday in December

FPP - Dean's recommendations due to the Provost for promotion to Professor/Senior Librarian



First day of Winter Semester

FPP - Deadline to submit portfolio to the Unit Head for all reviews except promotion to Professor/Senior Librarian

January 31

SAB - Provost's decision due to faculty member on sabbatical proposal

FPP - Provost's decision due to faculty member for promotion to Professor/Senior Librarian



Normally the Second Tuesday of February

Faculty Awards Convocation & Reception – 4:00 p.m.
     Loosemore Auditorium
     Richard M. DeVos Center
     Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus




FPP - Deadline for candidate to apply in writing to the Dean for promotion to Professor/Senior Librarian



Second Monday of April

Student Awards Convocation (invitation only) – 6:00 p.m.
     L.V. Eberhard Center
     Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus

Second Wednesday

Student Scholars Day

By third Friday in April

FPP - Dean's recommendations due to the Provost for all reviews except Promotion to Professor/Senior Librarian


Academic year ends. The Tuesday after Winter semester finals week, grades are due at noon. Normally, academic year faculty will not have assigned duties between this date and the beginning of the next academic year, unless agreed to as described in BOT




FPP - Provost's decision due to faculty member for all reviews except promotion to Professor/Senior Librarian



Last Friday

Summer Scholars Showcase

Faculty Personnel Policy (FPP) dates are bold

Sabbatical Policy (SAB) dates are italicized

Page last modified July 5, 2024