Process & Procedures
Advanced Degree Reimbursement
Describes the conditions under which the University may consider supporting a faculty or staff member in the attainment of an advanced degree.
Gifts and/or Gift Cards
Provides policy regarding the purchase of gifts and gift cards.
Lodging Reimbursement
Describes the Academic Affairs guidelines regarding lodging for University-related purposes.
Salary Savings Policy
Provides the policy statement on salary savings created by grant funding.
Travel & Expense Form Exceptions Procedure
Describes the procedure to follow when requesting an exception to the University's travel policy.
Travel/Internal Grant Reimbursement Procedure
Provides the procedure regarding expenditures for faculty travel that are subsidized by an internal grant.
Year-End Budget Retention Policy
Provides the Academic Affairs policy on year-end-budget retention.
Affiliate Faculty Review Guidelines & Senior Affiliate Faculty Promotion Procedures
Provides recommended procedures for review of Affiliate Faculty and promotion to Senior Affiliate.
Affiliate Faculty Workload Plan
The Affiliate Workload Plan (AWP) is designed to create transparency with regard to teaching and non-teaching assignments, and unit head supported activities. All affiliate faculty are expected to have an approved workload plan each semester, documented either (1) by the provided form, (2) through Digital Measures, or (3) through another form provided by the unit.
Academic Affairs Technology Positions Guidelines
Outlines the guidelines of a technology-focused Administrative Professional position in an Academic Affairs unit.
EAP Request for Teaching Overload
Form for staff to complete when teaching a single semester course.
Faculty Hiring at Associate/Full from Another Institution
A collection of policy excerpts relevant to hiring regular faculty at the associate or full level.
Faculty Qualifications
Provides the process to follow to ensure all teaching faculty are qualified.
Faculty Reassigned Time Authorization
Outlines the process for authorizing faculty who have time reassigned from teaching.
Fulbright and Other Scholarly Awards
Outlines the University's support for faculty who receive Fulbright and other competitive scholarly awards.
Joint Faculty Appointment -Memo of Understanding
Provides the template for the conditions of an individual faculty joint appointment between the primary and secondary units and the faculty member.
Written Performance Summaries - Use in Annual Salary Adjustments and Personnel Actions
Identifies key policy statements for regular faculty related to annual written performance summaries.
Academic Affairs: Major Facilities Project Requests Form
For major facilities projects, use this form to submit requests to the Office of the Provost. The annual deadline is the Monday after Spring Break in March, which will provide sufficient time to meet Facilities Planning's annual deadline of May 15.
Academic Space Requests Procedure
Highlights key points when it comes to the consideration of academic space requests, particularly classroom assignments and modifications.
Additional Locations (New, Expansion, or Closure) Request Process
Provides the process for adding a new additional location offering an academic program, changing the offerings of programs at an existing additional location, or closing an existing additional location.
Classrooms Website
The site features a page for each classroom, laboratory, and other learning space on campus, with information such as seating capacity and room type; kinds of seating and mobility; availability of technology, power, and hearing loops; floor plans; and photographs of each room.
Alternative Scheduling of Courses During Recess and Break Days Request Forms
Provides the process for programs to request an alternate schedule during the regular GVSU academic schedule.
COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey Information
Overview of the survey to be administered during the winter 2024 semester.
Grand Valley State University programs subject to professional licensure – information for students residing outside the state of Michigan
Programs leading to professional licensure may be subject to additional state professional licensing requirements, depending on the state.
Guidelines for Course Delivery in the Event of University Cancellation/Closure/Remote Status
Provides guidelines for course delivery during the regular semester and during final exam week in the event of university cancellation, closure or remote status.
Guidelines for Direct Credit Partnerships
Provides guidelines for direct credit partnerships between Grand Valley State University and K-12 school districts with career and technical education (CTE) programs.
Guidelines for Dual Enrollment Partnerships
Provides guidelines for dual enrollment partnerships between Grand Valley State University and K-12 school districts.
Guidelines for Institutional Agreements
Describes the processes for development of agreements between Grand Valley and other institutions.
GVSU Institutional Agreement Process for Inbound Non-Reciprocal Partnerships
A template explaining the steps involved from initiation, approvals, dissemination, and review.
State Authorization: Online Distance Education State-by-State Summary
Grand Valley State University is obligated to comply with other states’ laws regarding the delivery of distance education to residents of other states.