GVSU Institutional Agreement Process for Inbound Non-Reciprocal Partnerships
Academic Policies and Procedures
Effective Date: 2024
This template outlines the steps to develop and approve agreements and pathways from international institutions, including reviews and approvals from the College, Padnos International Center, Legal Counsel, Vetting Authority, International Institution, and Office of the Provost.
1. Initiation
- Faculty or staff members identify potential international partner institution
- Initial discussion with the Dean of the relevant College
- Preliminary research on the potential institution
- The College Dean’s Office shares information about the potential institution with the Office of Research Compliance & Integrity for the vetting process
2. Proposal Development
- Draft proposal outlining the non-reciprocal agreement's purpose, scope, and benefits
- Determine the type of agreement (1+1, 3+1, 3+2, 4+2, etc.)
- Develop an implementation plan with timelines and responsibilities
- The College Dean’s Office meets with the Executive Director of the Padnos International Center (PIC) to discuss the interest
- The College Dean’s Office meets with the AVP for Admission and Recruitment to discuss alignment of collaboration with the strategic enrollment management plan (SEMP)
3. College Review
- Submit the proposal to the College Dean
- The College Dean’s Office schedules an initial meeting between the Dean and the Office of the Provost.
- Dean reviews and provides feedback
- Make necessary revisions based on Dean's input
- Obtain Dean's approval to proceed
4. Draft Agreement
- The College Dean’s Office organizes a meeting with the international institution to introduce the non-reciprocal draft agreement based on GVSU-approved templates
- Ensure alignment with GVSU policies and standards
- Include specific terms, conditions, and responsibilities of both institutions
5. Review of Draft Agreement
- Submit the draft agreement for review by the PIC
- Provide additional information if requested
- After approval by the PIC, PIC forwards the draft agreement to the Office of Legal Counsel
- Legal Counsel reviews for compliance and risk management and approves and returns to PIC; PIC forwards the draft agreement to the Office of the Provost
- Provost reviews for academic integrity and institutional benefit
- After approval by the Office of the Provost, the draft agreement will be sent to the international institution by the College Dean’s Office
6. International Institution Review
- The Dean’s Office will collaborate with the international institution on any necessary revisions
- Ensure mutual understanding and agreement on all terms
- If any substantial changes are made, the GVSU Legal Counsel will have to review again for the second time before the approval signature of the international institution is secured
- If any substantial changes are made, the Office of the Provost will have to review again for the second time before the approval signature of the international institution is secured
7. Finalizing and Obtaining Signatures
- Prepare the final version of the agreement
- If needed, arrange for a signing ceremony or process
- The Dean’s Office will obtain signatures from authorized representatives of the international institution
- The Dean’s Office will obtain the College Dean’s signature and the Provost’s signature
- Signatures should be obtained via the GVSU DocuSign
- Forward the signed agreement to the Office of the Provost
8. Dissemination
- Distribute the signed agreement to all relevant parties
- The College Dean’s Office distributes to the Director, Office of Research Compliance and Integrity, Executive Director of the PIC, and AVP for Academic Affairs in the Office of the Provost
- The Office of the Provost distributes to the Vice President for Enrollment Development and Educational Outreach, the AVP for Admission and Recruitment, and the AVP and University Registrar
9. Review and Renewal by the College Dean’s Office
- Set up regular check-ins to monitor the agreement's progress
- The effective date, expiration date, and renewal date should be listed on the agreement
- Schedule periodic reviews of the agreement
- Evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes of the agreement
- Initiate the renewal process before the agreement's expiration date
Please Note: This is not the process for initiating a reciprocal exchange for students, faculty, or staff with an international institution. That process begins with a conversation with the Director of Study Abroad and International Partnerships, Padnos International Center, 130 Lake Ontario Hall, 616-331-3898.