Jamie Owen-DeSchryver

Professor - Clinical Psychology/Autism
- B.A. Kalamazoo College
- M.A. Johns Hopkins University
- Ph.D. State University of New York at Stony Brook
Office: 1319 Au Sable Hall
Phone: (616) 331-8703
Email: owendesj@gvsu.edu
Clinical Psychology
Courses Taught
PSY 304 - Psychology and Education of the Exceptional Child
PSY 324 - Developmental Psychopathology
PSY 550 - Research in Applied Settings
PSY 524 - Developmental Psychopathology
PSY 624 - Behavioral Assessment and Intervention
Research Interests
The primary focus of my research is the implementation of educational and behavioral interventions for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Most of my projects are conducted with young children who are 3-5 years-old in their preschool placements, but I also work with young adults with ASD in college settings, and have conducted some research with students with ASD in high school programs. Over the last 10 years, I have conducted studies on a range of interventions, such as video modeling, visual supports, self-management systems, peer supports and opportunities to respond (OTR). I am currently Project Faculty on the Statewide Autism Resources and Training (START) project, an MDE/OSEP funded grant project, where I provide trainings, develop materials, and provide technical assistance on the implementation of school-based supports for students with ASD across the state of Michigan. Because I also work with GVSU's graduate program in school psychology, for the last three years, I have mentored graduate students on master's projects involving the implementation of school-based interventions for a range of students in K-12 schools, including students without disabilities, and those with other challenges, such as AD/HD, Learning Disabilities, Anxiety Disorders and behavior problems.
Publications and Presentations
Owen-DeSchryver, J., Rulison, S., Benjamin, J. & Miller, K. (March, 2022). START engaging with families. Session presented at the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Grand Rapids, MI.
Matthews, A. & Owen-DeSchryver, J. (November, 2017). Increasing learning opportunities and engagement in toddlers with ASD. Pre-Conference workshop presented at the Early On Conference. Kalamazoo, MI.
Owen-DeSchryver, J. (May, 2017). Everyone Wins: Peer-based interventions to improve outcomes for students with ASD in schools. Conference breakout presented at the Regional Center for Autism Spectrum Disorder Annual Conference. Long Island, NY.
Owen-DeSchryver, J. (March, 2017). Think FBA: Developing interventions with purpose in mind. Session presented at the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference. Grand Rapids, MI.
Matthews, A. & Owen-DeSchryver, J. (March 2017). Increasing Learning Opportunities for the youngest children with ASD. Session presented at the Michigan Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference. Grand Rapids, MI.
Miller, H.*, Perreault, A*. & Owen-DeSchryver, J. (January, 2016). Being actually Autistic. Session presented at Grand Valley State University's Teach-In Day. Allendale, MI.
Owen-DeSchryver, J. & Matthews, A. (November, 2015). "I want that!" Teaching Manding to young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Session presented at the Early On Michigan Conference. Traverse City, MI
Matthews, A. & Owen-DeSchryver, J. (November 2015). Using principles and strategies from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to teach young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Session presented at the Early On Michigan Conference. Traverse City, MI.
Owen-DeSchryver, J. & Matthews, A. (October, 2015). Think FBA: Helping teachers address behavior problems in young students. Session presented at the Michigan Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference. Traverse City, MI.