Jing Chen

Professor - Developmental Psychology
- B.A., Beijing Normal University
- M.A., Ph.D., Washington University
Outstanding Community Service Award 2024
Office: 2203 Au Sable Hall
Phone: (616) 331-2867
Email: chenj@gvsu.edu
Developmental Psychology
Courses Taught
PSY364 - Life Span Developmental Psychology
PSY366 - Perspectives on Aging
Research Interests
Understanding Maternal Mind-mindedness in Community-based Samples: Maternal mind-mindedness (MMM) is defined as a mother’s proclivity to view her child as having an autonomous mind and her capability to accurately infer the mental states behind her child’s behavior (Meins, 1997; Meins, 2013). I am working on projects that explore the relationship between MMM and various child and maternal characteristics including an intervention project aimed to improve MMM in community-based samples. Predicting Early Developmental Outcomes Assessed by Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) is a parent-completed screening tool used to assess risk for developmental delay in five domains: gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, personal-social, and communication. It is one of the most important tools recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics in its universal screening of early development initiatives. I have been involved in projects that investigate how various factors such as gestational age, maternal age, and family income, predict the developmental outcomes, profiles of risk for developmental delay, and developmental trajectories from 8- to 24-months of age.
Selected Recent Publications
Hart, L., & Chen, J. (Accepted). Can a course on aging with a service-learning component change students’ attitudes toward aging? Educational Gerontology.
Aldrich, N., Chen, J., & Alfieri, L. (2021). Evaluating associations between parental mind-mindedness and children’s developmental capacities through meta-analysis. Developmental Review, 60, 100946. DOI 10.1016/j.dr.2021.100946.
Chen, J., Dueker, G., & Cowling, C. (In press). Profiles and predictors of risk for developmental delay: Insights gained from a community-based universal screening program. Early Human Development.
Dueker, G., Chen, J., Cowling, C., & Haskin, B. (2016). Early developmental outcomes predicted by gestational age from 35 to 41 weeks. Early Human Development, 103, 85-90.
Dueker, G.L., Chen, J., Cowling, C. & Haskin, B. (2016). Early developmental outcomes predicted by gestational age from 35-41 weeks. Early Human Development, 103, 85-90.
Chen, J., Hale, S., & Myerson, J. (2007) Predicting the size of individual and group differences on speeded cognitive tasks. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 534-541.
Chen, J. (2005). Cognitive Aging. In Y. Luo, Y. Jiang, & K. Cheng (Eds.), Cognitive neuroscience. Beijing, China: Beijing University Press.
Sun, X., Zhang, X., Chen, X., Zhang, P., Bao, M. Zhang, D., Chen, J., He, S., Hu, X. (2005). Age-dependent brain activation during forward and backward digit recall revealed by fMRI. NeuroImage, 15, 36-47.