Mihaela Friedlmeier

Associate Professor - Developmental/Cross-Cultural Psychology
- Diploma, Al.-I. Cuza University, Romania
- Ph.D., University of Konstanz, Germany
Office: 2309 Au Sable Hall
Phone: (616) 331-8706
Email: friedlmm@gvsu.edu
Developmental and Cross-cultural Psychology
Courses Taught
PSY 301 - Child Development
PSY 311 - Controversial Issues in Psychology
PSY 331 - Adolescent Psychology
PSY 364 - Life Span Developmental Psychology
Research Interests
My primary scholarly interests are in the area of intergenerational relationships throughout the life span, mainly the relationship between adolescents and their parents in different cultures. In my work, I maintain that parent-child relationships are essential to individual development throughout the life span, and parents are often seen as the primary socialization agents. My research also deals with questions of intergenerational similarities and family influences in countries undergoing abrupt socio-political changes versus more stable countries.
Current Research
My current research project examines the issue of financial behavior and well-being in college students. Relevant questions are: Which parental factors (general parenting, parents’ financial behaviors, and direct teaching) are more strongly associated with emerging adults’ financial outcomes? What is the contribution of working experience and financial education during high school as well as working experience during college to college students’ financial outcomes? How are college students’ financial outcomes associated with general life-satisfaction?
Friedlmeier, M., Negru-Subtirica, O., Damian, L. (2022, June). (Financial) Parenting: Mothers’ and Fathers’ Contribution to Emerging Adults’ Financial Outcomes. Paper presented at the 26th ISSBD Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Island of Rhodes, Greece.
Friedlmeier, M., Poredos, M., Negru-Subtirica, O. & Damian, L. (2021, November). Financial Socialization Model: A comparative study of American and Romanian College Students. Paper presented at the 10th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Online.
Damian LE, Negru-Subtirica O, Domocus IM, Friedlmeier M. (2020). Healthy Financial Behaviors and Financial Satisfaction in Emerging Adulthood: A Parental Socialization Perspective. Emerging Adulthood. 8(6):548-554. doi:10.1177/2167696819841952
Sirsch, U., Zupančič, M., Poredoš, M., Levec, K., & Friedlmeier, M. (2019). Does Parental Financial Socialization for Emerging Adults Matter? The Case of Austrian and Slovene First-Year University Students. Advanced online publication. Emerging Adulthood. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167696819882178.
Friedlmeier, M. & Friedlmeier, W., & Olsen, K. (October, 2019). The Importance of General Parenting for College-Age Children’s Financial Outcomes. Paper presented at the 9th Conference on Emerging Adulthood, Toronto, Canada.
Friedlmeier, M. & Friedlmeier, W. (July, 2019). Parental financial socialization from parents’ and children’s perspective: which contributes more to children’s positive financial outcomes? Paper presented at the 16th European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.
Sirsch, U., Zupančič, M., Levec, K. & Friedlmeier, M. (July, 2019). Daughter or Son? Does Maternal and Paternal Financial Socialization Differ? Paper presented at the European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.
Zupančič, M., Poredos, M., Lep, Ž & Friedlmeier, M. (July, 2019). Intergenerational patterns of financial functioning: Pathways toward financial satisfaction and dyadic financial relationship. Paper presented at the European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.
Olsen, K., & Friedlmeier, M. (2019, April). Parenting and financial outcomes: Findings from emerging adults attending college. Paper presented at the Student Scholars Day, Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI.
Friedlmeier, M. & Sanders, V. (May, 2018). Millennials’ values as predictors of financial outcomes: An analysis of emerging adults in the US. Paper presented at the Self and Identity Emerging Adulthood Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Damian, L., Negru-Subtirica, N. & Friedlmeier, M. (May, 2018). Building a strong financial identity in emerging adulthood: A parental socialization perspective. Paper presented at the Self and Identity in Emerging Adulthood Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Friedlmeier, M. & Sanders, V. (November, 2017). Attitudes and beliefs about work and money among American emerging adults and their parents. Paper presented at the 8th biennial Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood Conference, Washington, D.C.