
Permanent link for UAS Votes to Endorse RH2025 on January 27, 2022

DATE: January 27, 2022

At its regular meeting on January 21, 2022, the University Academic Senate (UAS) passed a motion to support, by

a vote of 87%, the endorsement of the RH2025 Strategic Plan of the new Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategies. UAS members expressed appreciation for the extended process of revisions of the strategic plan and in so doing, acknowledged that the latest version is more pleasant to read than previous versions. In addition, it was noted that it will be important to continue to work together to enact the plan and honor the time invested into building a strong plan that more people could buy into.

The UAS forwards this memo as the official position of GVSU faculty, represented by UAS.

Link to official memo

Posted on Permanent link for UAS Votes to Endorse RH2025 on January 27, 2022.

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Page last modified January 27, 2022