Draft Statements (As of January 27, 2021)
The Reach Higher 2025 steering committee appreciates all your participation and input on the most recent phase of the move towards our university’s next Mission and Values statements. Your collective input, in live huddles and in written comments and suggestions, has been very helpful in shaping the current draft language. We believe this draft mission statement and values statement reflects the thousands of comments and individual input from the 2019 huddles, and the Fall 2020 phase. We are particularly pleased to have received extensive and frank input from a range of student leaders in multiple sessions. We have done our best to reflect the emerging consensus of each and every conversation we were involved in; we know there was rarely unanimity in any specific language, but we believe these draft statements reflect what was articulated and heard.
Want more information on the community discussion that led to these drafts? Check out this grid which shows our current Mission, Vision, and Values, some of the reasons for changes, and the proposed drafts.
Draft Mission
Grand Valley State University: Transforming lives, professions, and communities through active inquiry across inclusive learning environments. Our educational opportunities are accessible to all, and are rooted in liberal education and forward-thinking professional education.
Draft Vision
We lead in learner-driven experiences that integrate liberal and professional education to achieve a lifetime of growth and purpose. We live this by providing personalized, compelling, and equitable opportunities for all learners.