Summary of the Process

  • Establish Steering Team to lead campus efforts (review mission/values, hone university strategy, refine and establish university KPIs with university leadership).
  • The Steering Committee will host several Advisory Convenings throughout the strategy development process to engage even more stakeholders. The Advisory Convening is comprised of extended representative groups including the full President’s Cabinet, Provost’s Cabinet, Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, Student Senate Cabinet, GSA Executive Committee, AP Executive Committee, Alumni representatives, and other college-level community advisory committee representatives.
  • Engage campus and external constituents in development process.
  • Faculty governance, student senate, AP & PSS groups and BOT review, provide input, and endorsement.
  • Wrap up by February 2022.
  • Division, college, and unit strategic plans put in place winter 2022 to operationalize university strategy+KPIs.

Phase 1: Engaging the Community

Reach Higher Together 2019 to Reach Higher 2025

Phase 2: Refine Vision, Mission, and Values

Phase 3: Draft Strategy & KPIs

Phase 4: Finalize Strategy and KPIs

Phase 5: Division, College, Unit Plans through Winter 2022

Page last modified October 18, 2021