Welcome Presenters!

Here is what you need to know to share your work at the Reach Higher Showcase.

Showcase Timeline

February 1: Interest Form opens to the university community
March 1: Interest Form closes
March 17: Deadline for completing the Presenter Information Form
March 31: Deadline for submitting Posters for preview and printing  
April 21: Reach Higher Showcase

Showcase At a Glance: Friday, April 21

8:30-11 a.m. Arrive between 8:30 and 11 a.m. to pick up your name badge at the registration table in the Plaza, DeVos Center. Check back on April 13 for a floor plan listing the location of your exhibit

9:30-10:30 a.m. Presenters are welcome to join President Mantella for a buffet breakfast in the Exhibition Hall, DeVos Center. The President’s remarks will be at 10 a.m.

11:15 a.m. All presenters and exhibits ready to welcome guests

11:30-2:30 p.m. Reach Higher Showcase in the Plaza, DeVos Center

12 p.m. Kickoff remarks

Showcasing Your Work

  1. Create a poster using our official template that will serve as an introduction to your project
  2. Creativity is encouraged! A poster is the minimum requirement. We encourage interactive components, demos, and other hands-on ways to engage your audience 
  3. Try to illustrate your efforts with at least one concrete artifact or story – bring your work to life with a specific story you could share with attendees
  4. Point out opportunites and challenges in your work and seek feedback from attendees during discussions
  5. Consider a short verbal pitch for attendees who wish to visit many presenters and posters
  6. If you’re able, rotate poster presenters so that everyone can experience the Showcase!

Creating Your Poster

  1. You must make your poster by using the Reach Higher Poster Presentation Template (read the Template Instructions before creating your poster)
  2. All posters must be uploaded here no later than March 31
  3. Posters will be printed at no cost to you 
  4. Event staff will place your poster in your assigned exhibit space on the morning of the Showcase.
  5. Your poster should be technical enough to excite an expert, but not create a vortex of confusion—the idea is to start a conversation where you can go into more detail
  6. Be sure to include goal of the project—what specifically are you trying to accomplish?
  7. Other components may include: Relevant information about the impetus for this work? Theory of change or changes introduced to reach your aim? What have you learned as a result of your efforts?
  8. Use your poster as a prop for more engaged conversation—do not include every detail of your project in the poster

Presenters will be provided with an easel to display your poster. If your exhibit requires additional items or support (i.e. a table, audiovisual equipment, a power source, or will take up a large footprint, please let us know by filling out the Presenter Information Form by March 17. We will provide what you need!

If you have questions or need other accommodations, please contact Morgan Knapp at [email protected] or call (616) 331-2185.

Page last modified April 13, 2023