

Permanent link for Why do you participate in IM Sports? on April 14, 2021

Intramural (IM) Sports are a great way to get involved at Grand Valley, and it’s not only us who would tell you that! Students will testify to the great things happening in Recreation & Wellness, including their experiences with IM Sports. Three of the students we interviewed got involved with IM Sports their first year of college, but it’s never too late to join in on the fun. 


Sophomore; played on 8 teams for a total of 17 games in 2020-21.

“Intramural Sports are one of my favorite things that I have done on campus lately”

  • When did you first get involved with IM Sports?
    I got involved with IM Sports right away during my freshman year by making an IM soccer team with high school friends. I even met new friends through the IM Sports platform when we needed more players. I also joined my housing team’s beach volleyball team to connect with other students that lived with me. 
  • What IM Sports do you participate in, which is your favorite, why?
    So far I have participated in soccer, tennis, beach volleyball, badminton, indoor volleyball, spike ball, corn hole, and online fantasy sports league (football and basketball) that started this year. My favorite sport has to be soccer but volleyball is a close second. I played soccer for clubs and high school before coming to college and I always enjoy the chance to play soccer. I never played volleyball until my first beach volleyball game and I intensely loved the challenge of using my arms instead of just my feet.
  • What makes you excited to play your favorite sports?
    My favorite thing about playing all these sports is getting my friends active and involved in the sports I love. I also get to make new friends along the way and have a fun break from homework and studying. I love being able to play games with other students here at GV that also like to be competitive and have fun.
  • Why is it important to play IM Sports right now?
    IM sports are so important to be involved in (especially right now) because it is an opportunity to be active on campus and meet new people who have similar interests. Staying fit and being active can happen at the gym and on trails around campus, but these organized sports are a great way to add more sport specificity in one’s life and widen your skillset. 
  • How do IM Sports help you reach your exercising/wellbeing/physical goals?
    IM sports have definitely helped me reach my step goals, but they also allow me to connect with friends which makes me happy. If we only meet once a week for a game, I am still very excited to play with them again. As many of my classes are by myself, I don’t get to see the same people every week. My sports allow me to have somewhat of a routine and make life seem more normal. I have found that IM sports are not only helping me reach my physical goals but my mental health goals are being achieved too by being outdoors and spending time with others. 


Junior; played on 8 teams for a total of 23 games in 2020-21

“I have so much fun just spending time with my friends and competing in a friendly environment” 

  • When did you first get involved with IM sports?
    My freshman year
  • What IM Sports do you participate in, which is your favorite, why?
    Out of all of them, I enjoy playing soccer the most, but the team plays better in sand volleyball so that’s a close second.
  • What makes you excited to play your favorite sports?
    Spending time with my friends having fun and laughing. Also, the competitive nature of playoffs and some regular-season games are a lot of fun. 
  • Why is it important to play IM Sports right now?
    To stay active and enjoy time with friends and other students on campus. 
  • How do IM Sports help you reach your exercising/wellbeing/physical goals?
    Soccer and football have made me get in better shape because of all the running. It feels great. 


Junior; played on 8 teams for a total of 14 games in 2020-21

“I have definitely enjoyed IM sports and recommend it to everyone”

  • When did you first get involved with IM Sports?
    I got involved in IM sports during the first semester of my freshman year. The very first team I joined was a random soccer team as a free agent. I was a little shy and intimidated for not knowing anyone, but I ended up becoming good friends with a majority of the team. I have been doing IM sports every semester since! 
  • What IM Sports do you participate in, which is your favorite, why?
    I try to participate in as many IM sports each semester as I can. This semester, I have been a part of sand volleyball, indoor soccer, indoor volleyball, and table tennis. In past years, I have also played spike ball, kickball, softball, ultimate frisbee, and futsal. I think my favorite would have to be sand volleyball because I love diving for a ball and landing in the soft sand. Sometimes I just wish it was a bit warmer! 
  • What makes you excited to play your favorite sports?
    The reason I enjoy IM sports so much is because of the people I play with. I enjoy meeting new people on my team and also reconnecting with old friends through the sport. I love the friendly competition that takes place, especially when I am playing against a friend. I also loved trying new sports because it was a great mix of trying new skills but also knowing my teammates had my back if I ever messed up. 
  • Why is it important to play IM Sports right now?
    I think playing IM sports right now is important because it gets you active, you are surrounded by new friendly faces. It is easy to be stuck at home with online classes so this is a great opportunity to get out and do something fun with a group of friends. It is also a great chance to meet new people and make some long-lasting friendships. It is also a great time to try something new and to branch out to new hobbies. 
  • How do IM Sports help you reach your exercising/wellbeing/physical goals? 
    All of the IM sports I have participated in have definitely made me stay on my feet. I feel like I am getting the exercise I want in a fun, competitive way, rather than working out by myself in the gym. It does not only help me physically but keeps my mind sharp as well as I have to react and communicate quickly. 


THANK YOU to all of our participants and student employees. We hope you had fun, tried a new sport, and made some new friends! If sports do not interest you, we have many other areas for you to get involved with here at Recreation and Wellness.  

By: Caleb Danielson


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Categories: Sports
Posted on Permanent link for Why do you participate in IM Sports? on April 14, 2021.

Page last modified April 14, 2021